Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Hvorfor norsk mat er bedre enn kinesisk mat



 Norwegian and Chinese cuisines are distinct, reflecting their unique cultural, geographical, and historical influences. Here are the key differences along with examples of specific dishes:

### Norwegian Cuisine
1. **Ingredients:** Predominantly features seafood, particularly salmon, trout, and cod, due to Norway's extensive coastline. Dairy products, game meats like reindeer and moose, and root vegetables are also common.
2. **Cooking Methods:** Simplicity is key. Boiling, roasting, and pan-frying are common techniques, aiming to preserve the natural flavors of the ingredients.

3. **Flavor Profile:** Less spicy, focusing on the freshness and natural taste of the ingredients. Herbs like dill and parsley are often used for seasoning.

4. **Famous Dishes:**
   - **Fårikål:** A traditional mutton and cabbage stew, seasoned with whole black peppercorns.
   - **Lutefisk:** Dried whitefish (usually cod) rehydrated through a lye solution, then boiled or baked and served with butter, salt, and pepper.
   - **Rakfisk:** Fermented fish, a delicacy that has been part of Norwegian cuisine for centuries.

### Chinese Cuisine
1. **Ingredients:** Extremely diverse, ranging from rice and noodles to a wide variety of meats (pork, chicken, duck) and vegetables. Soy sauce, ginger, garlic, and chili peppers are staple ingredients.

2. **Cooking Methods:** Stir-frying, steaming, braising, and deep-frying are prevalent. These methods are often quick and involve high heat, creating complex flavors and textures.

3. **Flavor Profile:** Rich and diverse, often balancing the five flavor profiles: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami. Use of spices and seasonings is more extensive and varied.

4. **Famous Dishes:**
   - **Peking Duck:** A famous duck dish from Beijing, known for its crispy skin and tender meat, often served with pancakes and hoisin sauce.
   - **Mapo Tofu:** A spicy dish from Sichuan cuisine, made with tofu, minced meat (usually pork), and chili bean paste.
   - **Dim Sum:** A style of Chinese cuisine prepared as small bite-sized portions of food, served in small steamer baskets or on small plates, often for brunch.

### Summary
- **Ingredient Focus:** Norwegian cuisine leans towards seafood and simple ingredients, while Chinese cuisine is diverse and includes a wide range of ingredients.
- **Cooking Style:** Norwegian cooking is more about preserving natural flavors, whereas Chinese cooking is about creating complex flavors and textures.
- **Flavor Palette:** Norwegian dishes are less spicy and more natural in taste, while Chinese dishes are rich in flavors and often incorporate a mix of different taste profiles.
- **Dish Examples:** Dishes like Fårikål and Lutefisk in Norway and Peking Duck and Mapo Tofu in China showcase the culinary diversity and characteristic flavors of each cuisine.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

A Brief Sketch of the Life and Times of Journalist Larry McShane.



Larry McShane never met a verb he didn’t like.

Known for his prowess with acrostics and balsamic vinegar, McShane makes no secret of the fact that he was weaned on Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, and wrote his first scarehead at the age of 7.

When it comes to his background and career, McShane takes reticence to new heights. 

He will only admit to being born on planet Earth, being bitten by a spectacled caiman during the Vietnam War, and a liking for pickled walnuts.

Other than that he is a complete cypher. In fact (I can’t resist it) he is the original cypher space . . . 

He goes by the nickname of ‘Brynjar.’ Which is Nordic for ‘he who scribbles at night.’

His awards include an Honorable Mention in the 2019 Scatalogical Society Highbinder’s Literary Contest; the Pumpernickel Medal for Indirect Lighting; and an endorsement from the Lydia Pinkham Institute. 

His advice to young journalists is: “Never mistake mush for meaning. Always double check your sources. Eat a good breakfast. Keep your nose clean. And last but not least, always listen to your inner somnambulist.”  


Tuesday, December 5, 2023

A Brief Sketch of the Life and Times of Reporter Bill Kole.



When Bill Kole was born, America was still in the rotary phone age. No one wore seat belts. There were ashtrays and spittoons in every public building.

In other words, he was born into a dark and dismal age.

His parents came from humble stock. His mother canned hand-picked gravel to make ends meet. His father was a man of great learning and rectitude, who never really found his niche. He put his savings into a candied sauerkraut factory that never really took off. He was beloved by all and sundry.

His son Bill vowed to expose the crooked machinations of the candied sauerkraut cartel when he was old enough to hold a pen and could afford paper.

He was able to perform his vow when he turned 18 and went to work for the Associate Press in Paris. There he not only unearthed damning documentation against the CSC (Candied Sauerkraut Cartel) but also exposed Marcel Marceau as a silent partner in the helium racket.

His books have been bestsellers and he now lives in genteel retirement in a refurbished ropewalk.

His hobbies include collecting dilithium crystals and hiking through Bert Lahr’s Moose Country.

His advice to beginning journalists is:  “Write your mother once a week.”  


Monday, November 27, 2023

Autobiography. Chapter one.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The Roots of the Israeli-Hamas Conflict



The recent conflict between Israel and Hamas in 2023 has multiple underlying causes, reflecting the complex and long-standing tensions in the region:

1. **Immediate Causes**: The conflict was triggered on October 7, 2023, when Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups launched a multi-pronged invasion of southern Israel, including a barrage of rockets and ground attacks on military and civilian targets. Israel responded with extensive aerial bombardment and a ground invasion of Gaza【9†source】.

2. **Blockade and Economic Hardship**: The Gaza Strip has been under an Israeli blockade since Hamas's victory in the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections. This blockade has significantly damaged Gaza's economy and is viewed by international rights groups as a form of collective punishment. However, Israel defends the blockade as necessary to prevent weapons from entering the territory【10†source】.

3. **Political Dynamics in Israel**: Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was criticized for policies that allegedly empowered Hamas in Gaza, potentially to sabotage a two-state solution and to weaken the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. Critics argue that these policies have backfired, resulting in increased hostilities【11†source】.

4. **Hamas's Goals and Strategies**: Hamas, designated as a terrorist organization by several countries, is driven by a long-term vision of destroying Israel. The recent attacks were not seen as a miscalculation but rather a deliberate escalation to open a more volatile chapter in their conflict with Israel【12†source】【13†source】.

5. **Escalation of Violence and Tensions**: The months leading up to the attack saw an increase in violence and tensions, including Palestinian attacks on Israelis and Israeli forces' responses, settler violence, and clashes around the Al-Aqsa Mosque. These events set the stage for the October 2023 conflict【14†source】.

6. **International Involvement and Regional Dynamics**: Iran's support for Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, including training and funding, has been a contributing factor. Additionally, regional dynamics, including Israeli-Arab normalization talks and strained Egypt-Hamas relations, influenced the escalation【15†source】.

7. **Broader Israeli-Palestinian Conflict**: The ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and the associated humanitarian and political issues have been a backdrop to the conflict. Several human rights organizations have characterized the Israeli occupation as akin to apartheid, though this is disputed【16†source】.

8. **Warnings and Predictions of Conflict**: Prior to the attack, warnings from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Palestinian Authority officials about the potential for escalation highlighted the growing tension and despair among Palestinians, exacerbated by the blockade and lack of political progress【17†source】.

9. **Exploitation of Despair by Hamas**: The blockade of Gaza has created a sense of hopelessness among Palestinians, which Hamas has exploited to convince young Palestinian men that violence is the only viable response to their situation【18†source】.

These factors illustrate the complexity of the conflict, driven by a mix of immediate triggers, long-standing political and economic issues, regional and international influences, and deep-seated grievances on both sides.

The Homophone Incident (in third person.)



The incident involving Tim Torkildson at Nomen Global Language Center in Utah revolves around a blog post he wrote about homophones. Torkildson, who was the social media strategist for the school, was dismissed from his role following the publication of this post. His boss, Clarke Woodger, the owner of the language school, expressed concerns that the post about homophones might be misconstrued as promoting homosexuality, which led to Torkildson's termination【12†source】【20†source】.

A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another but has a different meaning and sometimes different spelling, such as "witch" and "which," or "carat" and "carrot." Torkildson's post was intended to explain this concept, an important one for English language learners. He stated that he understood the "homo" prefix might cause controversy, but he believed his explanation was straightforward and necessary for those in the early stages of learning English【12†source】.

Torkildson described the situation in a Facebook post, recounting how Woodger expressed a lack of trust in him and concern about the school being associated with homosexuality due to the blog post. Woodger, on the other hand, refuted these claims, asserting that the decision to remove Torkildson was not related to homosexuality but because his blog postings had become confusing and sometimes offensive. He also mentioned that homophones were a concept beyond the understanding of most of the school's students, who were at basic levels of learning the language【12†source】【20†source】.

The content of Torkildson's blog post, as retrieved from a Google cache, was straightforward and educational. It explained the concept of homophones with examples starting with the letter A, such as "ad" and "add," "ail" and "ale," etc. This content, typically taught in English language learning, highlights the unusual nature of his dismissal【21†source】.

The incident garnered significant attention on the internet, leading to widespread criticism of Nomen Global Language Center. Many commentators accused the school of homophobia and ignorance of basic English language concepts. The controversy resulted in Nomen's Facebook page being deleted due to the backlash and negative comments it received following the incident【22†source】.

Overall, the incident highlights the complexities and sensitivities surrounding language and its interpretation in different contexts. The response to Torkildson's blog post reflects broader societal issues and misunderstandings related to language and sexuality.

Monday, November 13, 2023

My Love Affair With Elizabeth Taylor.




### My Love Affair with Elizabeth Taylor

From the moment I first laid eyes on Elizabeth, the world seemed to stand still. She was more than a screen siren; she was a force of nature, her violet eyes sparkling with an intensity that could captivate any man. I was no exception.

Our love story began in the golden age of Hollywood, a time when glamour and romance intertwined with every reel of film. I was an amalgamation of the many men who had fallen under her spell – an actor, a producer, a lover of life and a seeker of its deepest passions. In her, I found a kindred spirit.

Our first meeting was like something out of a classic movie. I was attending a lavish Hollywood party, the kind where the champagne flowed like rivers and the stars shone brighter off-screen than on. There she was, across the room, laughing in a way that made everyone else's laughter seem like a mere whisper. I knew I had to speak to her.

As I approached, our eyes met. It was as if we both recognized something in each other – a shared destiny, perhaps. Our conversation flowed effortlessly, moving from the trivialities of Hollywood life to the depths of our own dreams and desires. She spoke with an honesty that was disarming, her famous eyes revealing a soul that had known both immense joy and profound pain.

Our romance was a whirlwind. We traveled the world together, from the glamorous streets of Paris to the sun-kissed beaches of the Mediterranean. We shared moments of unbridled joy and faced the inevitable challenges that came with a life lived in the public eye. Through it all, our love remained a constant, a beacon guiding us through the storm.

Elizabeth was a woman of many facets. She could be fiercely independent yet deeply vulnerable, a celebrated actress yet a woman yearning for true connection. In her, I saw not just the glamour of Hollywood but the genuine heart of a woman who loved with every fiber of her being.

Our relationship was not without its trials. The pressures of fame, the constant scrutiny of the media, and the ghosts of our past relationships often cast shadows over our love. But in those moments, when the world seemed too much, we found solace in each other's arms.

We shared a love that was passionate, tumultuous, and deeply real. It was a love that taught me more about life, about love, and about myself than I could have ever imagined. Elizabeth was not just a lover; she was a teacher, a muse, and a mirror reflecting the best and worst of who I was.

As our affair drew to a close, marked by the inevitable ebb and flow of life's tides, I looked back on our time together with a sense of awe and gratitude. Elizabeth Taylor was more than a Hollywood icon; she was a woman who loved fiercely and lived fully, and I was fortunate enough to be a part of her incredible journey.

In the end, our paths diverged, each of us moving on to new chapters in our lives. But the memories of our love affair remain, vivid and indelible, a testament to the power of love in all its complex, beautiful forms.


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Why zombies would make good soldiers.



The concept of zombies as soldiers is a fascinating and multi-dimensional topic, providing numerous angles from which to analyze their potential effectiveness in military contexts. In a 600-word exploration, we can delve into several key areas that highlight why zombies could be considered good soldiers, focusing on their unique characteristics and the strategic advantages they may offer.

1. **Unwavering Obedience and Lack of Fear:** One of the primary attributes that could make zombies effective soldiers is their unwavering obedience. Zombies, as typically portrayed in popular culture, do not possess self-awareness or consciousness. This lack of sentience translates into an absolute obedience to commands, assuming they can be controlled or directed effectively. They do not experience fear, stress, or doubt, which are factors that can significantly impact the performance of human soldiers. In high-risk scenarios, such as direct combat or hazardous environments, zombies would continue to operate without regard to personal safety or preservation, potentially outperforming human soldiers in terms of sheer tenacity and willingness to engage in dangerous situations.

2. **Endurance and Resilience:** Zombies are often depicted as creatures that can sustain significant bodily damage without being incapacitated. This resilience would be a considerable advantage on the battlefield. They could continue operations despite injuries that would typically debilitate or kill a human soldier. Furthermore, their apparent lack of need for sustenance, rest, or medical care simplifies logistical concerns, such as supply lines and field support, which are critical aspects of modern warfare.

3. **Psychological Impact on the Enemy:** The use of zombies could have a profound psychological impact on opposing forces. The sight of undead adversaries, impervious to pain and seemingly unstoppable, could be a significant demoralizing factor. The psychological warfare aspect of deploying zombies should not be underestimated, as fear and moral disruption can be as effective as physical weaponry in weakening an enemy's resolve and effectiveness.

4. **Potential for Mass Deployment and Low-Cost Maintenance:** Assuming a method exists to create and control zombies, they could potentially be deployed in large numbers. Their creation might be more cost-effective than training and equipping human soldiers, considering they require no food, shelter, or conventional medical care. This aspect could allow for a substantial numerical advantage in warfare.

5. **Reduced Political and Ethical Constraints:** Deploying zombies as soldiers might circumvent some of the political and ethical issues associated with putting human lives at risk. The decision to send troops into dangerous situations is often fraught with moral and ethical considerations, public opinion concerns, and political repercussions. Zombies, being already deceased, do not carry the same weight of ethical dilemmas, potentially allowing military strategies that would otherwise be untenable due to the risk to human life.

6. **Limitations and Challenges:** However, it's crucial to address the limitations and challenges in utilizing zombies as soldiers. Control and direction are significant issues; without a reliable method to command them, zombies could be as much of a liability as an asset. Additionally, their presence could pose a risk of infection or other forms of contamination to both allies and civilians. The long-term effects of deploying zombies, such as environmental impact and the potential for uncontrollable spread, must also be considered.

In conclusion, while the idea of zombies as soldiers might seem far-fetched, examining their characteristics and potential strategic advantages reveals a range of factors that could make them formidable on the battlefield. Their unwavering obedience, resilience, psychological impact, potential for mass deployment, and reduced ethical concerns present compelling arguments for their effectiveness as soldiers. However, significant challenges and limitations must be addressed to realistically evaluate their potential in military applications.