Be diligent to quick obey
the Lord in each and ev'ry way.
Then you will prosper without cease
and live your days in cheerful peace.
Be diligent to quick obey
the Lord in each and ev'ry way.
Then you will prosper without cease
and live your days in cheerful peace.
Utilities have now been cut/for California users/folks sans generators will/ become the biggest losers/Candlelight's romantic but/there is no surrogate/for watching Netflix movies/or some reruns of Stargate.
Election boards are lazy and incompetent to boot/they haven't got the gumption to get out of their sweatsuit/There may be some exceptions, but their rarity just proves/instead of brains they function with bare bureaucratic grooves.
the kids today are grown so fat/there is no real good habitat/to raise them in without a crush/because they eat that junk food mush/make them vegans and climb trees/while we adults snarf our headcheese.
be careful how you deal with God/he loves the sinner, not the fraud/manipulating his decrees/is like a sip of antifreeze/it first tastes sweet, with no regrets/but then it makes you cool your jets/the heavens don't like politickin/so watch out, Trump, or you'll be stricken!
visit sunny Catalina/the DDT smells like verbena/all the fish have lost their scales/and boats glide by with poisoned sails/it's a tourist hotspot where/you'll lose your teeth, and then your hair.
And behold now I say unto you, ye cannot dethrone an iniquitous king save it be through much contention and the shedding of much blood.
For behold, he has his friends in iniquity, and he keepeth his guards about him; and he teareth up the laws of those who have regined in righteousness before him; and he trampleth under his feet the commandments of God . . .
Mosiah 29: 21-22.
Too much power in one leader
is of conflict such great breeder
that the man who gives it up
with the Savior sure will sup.
is the sincerest form of
Me, spend lots of money just to kick start world affairs?/Merchants, do not hold your breath I'll make such fool repairs/I'm closer now than ever with each mother-loving cent/I'm so cheap I brew my beer by letting bread ferment!
If there's one thing that is fixed/it's Girl Scout cookies can't be nixed/Whether thin mints or trefoils/I love those goodies from the goils/COVID-19 never halts/the way shortbread my life exalts!
I'm an old coot, yessiree!/I cannot hear; I cannot see/I'm cranky, thinking I'm the boss/and I subsist on applesauce/So websites, do not mess around/make 'em easy, not profound/Otherwise I will revert/to reading chiseled words on chert.
I know that paywalls help the trade/but no wall yet was ever made/that boys like me could long ignore/so we will climb them evermore/The thrill and sense of minor fraud/gives a lift to this tightwad!
You gotta raise mazuma when you're running for a seat/and it ain't just that your opponent you must always beat/Your staff is large and you must travel many many miles/and get some plastic surgery to guarantee those smiles/And sticky fingers siphon off a goodly share, no doubt/But then, in politics, you never DO find a Boy Scout.
Saving sentient beings is the purpose of the news/with truth and justice rising high above all shabby ruse/The Epoch Times newspaper does exemplify that fact/with stories that are phony as a Tiffany that's cracked/You'd think their circulation would be plummeting, but then/it's hogwash that sells copies say all good newspaper men.
The celestial clock is beating;
my time to repent may be fleeting --
As bright recollections
of my imperfections
I know Christ can help be receding.
Early voting is the thing/of which I will gladly sing/Minds made up; the public votes/separating sheep from goats/Lines are long, but devil take it/Democracy -- you just can't fake it!
What's the smell of outer space?/Is it something we'll embrace?/Like a rose or like a skunk?/Or is it completely bunk?/Me, I doubt it's very smelly/I hope it's like a kosher deli.
The mind of America shrinks/people are tired of thinks/They like to be told/to bend or to fold/God's starting all over with skinks.
I liked to step on bugs a lot/until by mother I was caught/she told me it was inhumane/to cause another creature pain/I wonder if she'd feel the same/about those White House pests of shame?
In Thailand police are divided/some think their leaders misguided/no protestors shrink/which makes the cops think/the government may be lopsided.
What kind of a person denies/a citizen's most cherished prize/by blocking her vote/with force or stale quote/Such persons we should ostracize!
Deceit and fraud, effective tools,
can make the public act like fools.
True liberty and freedom, though,
come from God to us below.
Nurtured with due gratitude
they keep our happiness renewed.
Leaders like to thump their chest/bragging 'bout who is the best/Xi Jinping says Uncle Sam/Korean troops went on the lam/cuz his troops were so eye-popping/imperialist dogs they were all stopping/Such baloney goes quite well/with what Beijing now wants to sell.
Thailand's generals decline/taking too hard of a line/with the young folks who demand/freedom for their native land/Though skeptical that they're benign/I take it as a hopeful sign/that the junta now in power/senses they are past their hour.
File a lawsuit -- do it now/it's the new trend anyhow/corporations and small fry/in the courts their luck will try/better sue before your sued/be the one to start a feud/if you win you get big loot/and if you lose you're destitute.
Let us run on pure sunshine/or perhaps a wind turbine/fossil fuel is so passe/it has had its greasy day/motorists are out of luck/if they drive a diesel truck/I'm with Biden; let's change course/instead of cars I'll drive a horse!
Newspapers are shrinking fast/how much longer can they last?/Writers get the old heave ho/even at a one horse show/readers now on Google gag/instead of their own local rag.
Fearless Facebook scruples not