I'm drinking soda water
like I have never done.
The calories nonexistent
make belching lots of fun.
I serve it solamente
to all my kin and guests;
it makes them very sober
and keeps away the pests.
A hundred pardons in a day
looks to be Trump's going away
bonus to posterity
to laud his own vulgarity.
I dilly and I dally
when I'm working off-site, since
it takes a lot of effort
to create a decent blintz.
It's not that I don't love my job
or hate my Mactintosh,
but since the kitchen is nearby
I like a little nosh.
My health may be indiff'rent
and my fortune's on the wane.
The rainy day has come at last
and sometimes there is pain.
Visitors are few and far between --
but what care I?
My sense of humor is intact --
I still can throw a pie!