Saturday, January 23, 2021

The day of miracles has not ceased.


God of wonder, God of might,

lead us from this faithless night!

Let thy miracles be known

and to one and all be shown.

Help us each to testify

that thy marvels are nearby!

Friday, January 22, 2021

And he will plead your cause


Our advocate is Jesus Christ;

the Father hears his plea.

He knows each one of us

and asks the Father for mercy.

No other intercession 

is effective at the Throne;

his love for us is infinite,

his power stands alone.

Photo Essay: New Postcards Mailed to President Joe Biden this Week.


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Today's timericks.


Joe Biden begins oversight/by scribbling with all his might/His pen will not tire/it catches on fire/He spills ink just like a playwright.

The market for housing is tight/Pulling up stakes in the night/no longer appeals/to folks with ideals/They stay put like some old stylite. 

Statistics say lifespans are less/Financially, we are a mess/We're so polarized/we seem mesmerized/We sure need a quick convalesce! 

The work of the Lord is steadily moving forward.


Nothing stops the work of God.

It rolls forth 'neath the nose of busy fools.

But those who seek for it will find

that there is joy that's unconfined

in humbly working as his tools

though sometimes weak and often flawed.

The Next Stop for Departing Public Officials? Hollywood (WSJ)


As political officials transition into and out of power in Washington and across the country this week, Hollywood talent agencies are on the hunt for new business. For the agencies, political clients are proving to be lucrative as demand for original content spikes, streaming platforms proliferate and movie-star salaries drop.  (WSJ)

The smart Tinsel Town promoter

looks for unemployed politicians

to sell cornflakes, win a Tony --

since they've moved lots of baloney

and are racked with large ambitions,

which were flattened by the voter.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Today's timericks.


What makes gluten-free so right?/And white bread such a crime?/Why must all the scones I eat/be filled with sprouts and grime?/Let me have some Wonder Bread/and leave me be, you prudes/who want to ruin my innards with/your rules about my foods!

Janet Yellen wants to spend/us to prosperity/She says growing deficits/are now the only key/I say "Let 'er rip, Ms. Jane!"/and take us for a jaunt/that either makes us rich and fat/or leaves us rather gaunt.

The Democrats want cleaner air/trees that flourish/crowds that care/What they'll get/I'm much afeard/is the same old greed that's geared/to Big Oil and other slobs/who whisper/"We will lose some jobs"/Thus the Blue Wave beats on shores/that care only for s'mores.

For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord


The knowledge of the Lord

is ours by right and long decree.

All the earth shall once again

know God's validity.

Fight against it, if you will,

ye faithless and remote --

but don't forget that David

huge Goliath truly smote!

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Walking Away Alone


When you walk away alone,

the pageantry behind,

opportunities ignored --

feeling lost without your horde;

suddenly too nonaligned --

you must reap what you have sown.

Today's timericks.


My life is full of leftovers/from banquets and snafus/I've eaten so much crow that I/with pin feathers do ooze/And if I had it all again/to do I think I'd hire/John Cheever to write all it down/as a grand satire.

Jane Yellen ain't afraid of debt/She'll run up such a tab/to keep this country going/it would force a sphinx to gab/Deficits are nothing new/for those who hold the reins/Let's hope they'll be less deficit/of courage and of brains!

Hail to chicken sandwich meals/Hamburgers take to their heels/Fast food joints have now embraced/chicken patties, fingers, paste/No use this trend to be bucking/Soon we all will start in clucking.