Sunday, September 19, 2021

Haiku. じゃがいもの皮むき


Peeling potatoes --

in the blood of scraped fingers

the spuds become washed


Peeling potatoes 
and chopping onions today --
there's no hot water
じゃがいもを皮をむき、玉ねぎを刻む --

Peeling potatoes --
peeling onions and carrots --
I'm out of bird seed

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Haiku. 雨の中を歩く


Walking in the rain --

the asphalt turns puddles black

as my sandals squish


Walking in the rain --

the sad sound of gutter pipes

cheers me up greatly


Walking in the rain 
soggy green bushes huddle --
a long winter soon

Today's Timericks. Chris Gilliard grew up with racist policing in Detroit. He sees a new form of oppression in the tech we use every day.


The internet is full of cops/having fun with their black ops/While upon you they do spy/they will nab you by and by/for infractions or much worse/They know already of this verse!

Senate Republicans say they will vote to allow a debt default, leaving Democrats scrambling for plan to avert economic crisis.

Mitch McConnell, standing firm/causes Democrats to squirm/He don't care if we go bust/That other party he don't trust/And so our frail economy/will go 'ker-plop' for all to see. 

Fast-food customers are back, but workers are not. It’s triggering major change.

When you're in the fast food aisle/you may have to wait awhile/Understaffed and underpaid/servers are as scarce as jade/Do not tremble with surprise/if a robot serves you fries.

Haiku. 食器洗い


Washing the dishes --

the clatter reflects old bones

and white ivory


Washing the dishes --
the foam reaches my elbows --
my nose is runny

The dishes are washed --
stacked carelessly by the sink --
imminent breakage

Friday, September 17, 2021

Today's Timericks. Trump gave six months extra Secret Service protection to his kids, three officials. It cost taxpayers $1.7 million.


When you leave a cushy place/you want to save a lot of face/by keeping perks you don't deserve/which takes a lot of Trumpy nerve/The taxpayers do not get wise/when gouged by Washington wise guys. 

Thousands of Haitian migrants wait under bridge in South Texas after mass border crossing.

Uncle Sam has got a bridge/although there isn't any fridge/where you can stay as refugee/and breathe the sewage air for free/This Texas haven welcomes all/It's Lone Star State's best protocol!

GOP Rep. Gonzalez, who voted to impeach Trump, announces he won’t seek reelection, citing ‘toxic dynamics inside our own party’

Republicans can hold a grudge/like any other hanging judge/When they decide a guy must go/they are not subtle nor too slow/Gonzalez gave old Trump the bird/And more from him will not be heard.

I ain't bought a hardback book/since the last Fort Worth chinook/The price tag is a horrid steal/I'd rather buy a Happy Meal/and a decent red merlot/while reading Kindle nice and slow.

Haiku. 小さなグリーントマト


Small green tomatoes

So unripe and unready --

canned and forgotten


Small green tomatoes
stubbornly clinging on vine --
vain hope of harvest

Small green tomatoes
rolling around like marbles 
shoved by black beetles

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Haiku. 詩人はまだ朝食をとっていません


What do sparrows feel?

Never-ending pinched hunger --

eating, not singing


What do sparrows feel?
Fear of shadows above them --
tiny hopping feet

What do sparrows feel?
Their fluttering bickering
reveals petty spite

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Today's Timericks. Democrats target cigarettes and vaping as potential sources to pay for $3.5 trillion economic package (WaPo)


If you like to take a puff/you will find things mighty tough/as the Democrats inhale/your income like baleen whale/Taxes on Dame Nicotine/will make you switch to coffee bean.

The government helped Tesla conquer electric cars. Now it’s helping Detroit, and Elon Musk isn’t happy.


You can't have it both ways when dealing with money/that comes from the pockets of Uncle Sam, sonny/He might give you millions but that doesn't mean/he won't stint your rivals, ya know what I mean?/So don't throw a tantrum, dear Elon, I beg/killing the goose laying that golden egg!

As the largest-ever U.S. climate bill inches forward, a lobbying frenzy ensues.


When in Washington D.C./lobbyists you'll surely see/Frequent as the common flea/they'll invite you out to tea/if their minion you will be/you won't be a bourgeoisie.

Haiku. 桃がいっぱい!


So many peaches

in the mild golden sunlight --

piled rotting away

穏やかな日差しの中でたくさんの桃が黄色くなる --

So much zucchini

tumbles out of the garden --

let's order pizza


Fallen red apples --
the old white horse snuffs them up.
Wasps are blown aside.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Haiku. 詩人は腹痛があります


Fly on the ceiling

you cannot be more dizzy

than I am right now


Dogs sniffing each other
to find the ripest odors --
neighbors gossiping
犬がお互いを嗅ぎまわって、最も熟した匂いを見つける --

Brown spots in a bush --
sparrows hiding from a hawk --
still as fallen fruit
茂みの中の茶色の斑点 --
ファルコンから隠れているスズメ --