Saturday, October 9, 2021

Timerick: China & Taiwan.


A basilisk both strong and sleek/looked upon a rabbit meek/Hissing in a friendly way/the basilisk began to say/"Little bunny, do not fear/I am only coming near/for a peaceful tete-a-tete/your friendship for to supplicate"/The bunny looked about for aid/but there was none, I am afraid/So it made the best of its position/masking all its deep suspicion/And gave the basilisk a gracious nod/keeping up the grim facade/Soon after Mr. Basilisk/began to caper and to frisk/The world looked upon it much askance/Knowing well what caused the dance/For the little bunny was no more/and no one cleaned up the sad gore.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Today's Timericks: The Seasons.


Apples, corn stalks, pumpkin spice/Oktober Fest with edelweiss/Then comes candy and first snow/Shoveled when it's ten below/So the seasons still rotate/while bureaucrats all hibernate.


 Another winter with covid/and I just might flip my lid/Santa please bring me new blood/proof against this creeping crud/All our doctors are wore out/So  bring instead a plague of gout!


I have watched the seasons shape/my life from vine to withered grape/Now the frost returning soon/reminds me I'm a pantaloon/slow of step and thought and deed/My memory a tumbleweed/But spring will come, and summer too/with Tums before the barbecue.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Today's Timericks: Federal Government may default on Social Security payments next month, among other things.


The government is out of bread/there's nothing in the kitty/Seniors eating Alpo straight/now isn't that a pity?/The Senate sits around and stews/while millions of tax payers/depend on charity and humble little prayers. 

Idaho’s governor left the state. His lieutenant governor took power and banned state vaccine mandates.

When the cat takes feline leave/the mice will always mischief weave/Idaho is no exception/where conservative deception/has cocked a bright red snook/at laws already on the book/When the Gov returns I think/he'll throw some people in the clink!

U.N. weather agency says world ill-prepared for ‘looming water crisis’

Soon the world will thirsty be/and we'll have to drink chablis/cuz the water is so foul/it would strangulate an owl/So stock up now on good cheap beer/and let the teetotalers live in fear.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Today's Timericks: Pandora Papers expose the untouchable offshore accounts of the rich & famous


Taxes are a bore to pay/But if you're rich there is a way/to prevent the bureaucrats/from poaching on your habitats/Offshore banks will veil your wealth/with sure and nearly obscene stealth/Then you can face the world and boast/that you are paying out the most.

Oil spill threatens Southern California wildlife and closes beaches as Coast Guard investigates

Hark, the little fishies choke/on oil slicks as thick as yolk/Where did all this grease come from?/Companies are deaf and dumb/Maybe it's from outer space/or a tainted bouillabaisse/Anywho, the beaches now/look and smell like puppy chow.

Bombing outside Kabul’s main mosque leaves at least 2 dead, Taliban says

It is normally the rule/things blow up in old Kabul/Outside mosques or airports busy/all that din will make you dizzy/No one knows just who to blame/for the damage and the flame/All I know is you're a fool/if you stay in old Kabul.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Haiku. 詩人はイライラしている


there are bad moments

for lovers and dreamers now

due to climate change


So I saw a hawk
and then a cat prowling by
after my sparrows

Alone all the day
unless I bake and serve cake --
A bribe to have friends

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Today's Timericks: As Trump hints at 2024 comeback, democracy advocates fear a ‘worst-case scenario’ for the country.


The Boogey Man is really true/and he will come to frighten you/If you are bad and hit your mum/down the chimney Trump will come/to pull your hair and scratch your face/then win a Presidential race.

"Ivory-billed woodpecker officially declared extinct, along with 22 other species."

This woodpecker is now extinct/Another species we hoodwinked/If we keep up this reckless pace/then Nature is our welfare case/I wish we would exterminate/a certain GOP magnate . . . 

"Alabama governor defends plan to use covid relief funds to build new prisons."

Covid ain't the problem, child/Here in Mobile folks is wild/shootin', stabbin', settin' fires/pullin' down the old church spires/So we got to lock 'em up/in a metal wikiup/Once we got 'em all in jail/we'll see about this virus tale . . . 

Haiku. 非常に多くのメール


So many emails --

can ten fingers handle it?

Better to chant "Om"


So many emails

So little is said in them

So much time wasted


So many emails --
The mourning doves outside fly.
The wind hisses "Come."

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Today's Timericks: Senior Democrats are trying to craft a proposal to tax carbon — a potentially powerful weapon against climate change — that would not violate President Biden’s pledge to spare middle-class Americans from tax hikes.


Taxing carbon sounds ideal/in a world that isn't real/But such pixie dust won't fly/with our own Joe Sixpack guy/Any tax that sounds too green/no doubt will threaten gasoline/Let us tax instead hot air/that comes from ev'ry keen longhair! 

You’re going to be asked to prove your vaccination status. Here’s how to do it.

I went into my coffee shop/the manager told me to stop/She said I needed proof of vax/otherwise I could make tracks/So now I stay at home and drink/plain tap water from kitchen sink.

South Korea considers ban on eating dog meat, as pet ownership grows in the country.

Man's best friend in some locations/makes for hungry expectations/Curly tail and panting tongue/go into fine egg foo young/But pooch pate is on the wane/viewed as worse than acid rain/Crickets now are all the rage/sauteed with some ripe greengage.

Haiku. 毎日の通勤


The daily commute --

piling up coin for eyelids

that will close at last


The daily commute 
to a big empty office --
we are out of soap

The daily commute --
birds have offices in trees --
mice in the dumpster

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Haiku. 固ゆで卵の皮をむく


Peeling hard boiled eggs

Are the eggs bad or am I?

The smell of sulfur


Ants on the sidewalk --
Stepping on their busy flow --
I am a killer

The horse chestnut tree --
the leaves look so razor sharp --
they wouldn't slice fog