Saturday, February 26, 2022



God keep from your abode

any stink from the commode.

And abolish from your door

cockchafers and dinosaur.

May each night find you secure

in domestic sinecure.  

Haiku: 鉄の冬の空気 Iron Winter Winds


Iron winter winds --

heavy on the face and throat;

time to wash my scarf!

Iron winter winds --

blowing quail around all day;

feathered tumbleweeds. 

Iron winter winds --

snatching trash into the air;

life is so scattered!

Friday, February 25, 2022

Is anything too hard for the Lord?

  Is any thing too hard for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.

Genesis 18:14

Nothing daunted, we believe/God his miracles can weave/out of flimsy flesh and bone/by his potency alone/Do not doubt that mountains shake/or that man can overtake/Satan in his fetid schemes/with pure water from God's streams! 

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Cakes upon the hearth.


 And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah, and said, Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth.

Genesis 18:6.

Cakes upon the hearth, a sign/a guest is someone quite divine/Abraham, who dwelt in tents/had hospitality immense/So he was served by Heaven well/as we can be -- though infidel/For God doth love a giving heart/and loves to bless us a la carte.

愛する人のための俳句 Haiku for Amy.


washing her white hair --

draped over her pink shoulders;

alluring cascade.

slicing an onion --

the sound of her knife on wood;

frying chicken legs.

always on her phone --

texting to the kids at night;

with her eyes on me.

Haiku: ウズラが前に突き出る Quail thrusting ahead.


quail thrusting ahead --

looking sideways at the seeds

crushed by passing cars.

quail thrusting ahead --

huddled under the feeder;

which is long empty.

sandals and gray slush

do not mix well on cold days --

feet wrapped in bacon.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Today's Timerick: Microsoft’s New Security Chief Says It Is Time to Take Shelter in the Cloud. (WSJ)


This superstitious world remains

bound in unenlightened chains;

folks believe in screwy things,

and give their folly potent wings.

Take, fer instance, this here cloud -- 

that people talk of long and loud.

I have asked some right smart folk

just how this thing is not a joke.

When explaining it to me

it seems to be a fantasy;

a web of nonsense, which I fear

would puzzle even Edward Lear.

Keeping data without holder;

not one blessed paper folder.

I think it uses beans and franks

for powering computer banks.

It's a network of some sort

and tracks a lot of child support.

My experts call it platform based,

where nothing ever is erased.

Online nostrum, cyber claptrap;

to me it's merely all darn crap pap.

I'll stay analog, hard copy;

I'd rather be secure tho sloppy!

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Today's Timerick: Russian Roulette.

 President Biden on Tuesday said his administration is taking steps to limit the impact that sanctions imposed on Russia have on the U.S. economy, although he acknowledged some effects were likely.


Joe Biden knows just what to do
to fight the Russian bugaboo.
So when old Putin struts his stuff,
our Joe shows him we're mighty tough.

He scatters sanctions like the dust
to make those Ruskies all go bust.
And THAT will show 'em who is boss,
as they are hit with fear and loss. 

All pipeline deals are dead and gone;
an import ban on cardamon.
Their assets we have frozen good;
they can't come visit Hollywood.

Tabasco Sauce they cannot get,
while we refuse them Tagamet.
And while the Russian bear might growl,
our own strong folk will never scowl . . . 

As gasoline climbs up so far
we cannot drive a kiddie car.
And inflation gets its mitts
on ev'rything from shoes to grits.

Our wages have gone flat and stale,
and many hold a rummage sale
to finance college for their kids
or just so they won't hit the skids.

So homelessness a cancer stays
as more and more face hopeless days;
and nights upon a park bench chill,
cuz housing costs are not a frill.

But we Americans are strong
and know the diff tween right and wrong.
We'll soldier on without a grump --
but please God save us all from Trump!

Haiku: 溶ける雪が水たまりになります The snowmelt puddles


the snowmelt puddles --

drowning dead leaves and grasses;

ruthless and chilly.

the snowmelt puddles --

sparrows gather around it;

bar brawls erupting.

the snowmelt puddles --

capturing a pale dazed sun;

not yellow, not white.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Haiku: これらの雪は巨大です! These snowflakes are huge!


These snowflakes are huge!

White doilies fluttering down

on top of my head.

These snowflakes are huge!

Settling on the cold ground

like alien lace.

These snowflakes are huge!

Who makes such sterile beauty?

How long will they last?