Sunday, April 24, 2022

Novel. The Old Funeral Home. Chapter Five. Part Three. H&R Block.


My Beloved. Her last day at H&R Block was Thursday
March 21. 2022. The work left her exhausted. So we
drove up to Idaho for vacation. To an unheated house.

Chapter 5 part 3

Scientists today are probably working on an algorithm or mathematical formula that will explain and categorize love. I wish them well. Several of our children have used online dating services. Which rely on algorithms to some extent. My beloved has told me that she has used online platforms to scrutinize erstwhile boyfriends. Me, I have never had any truck with such fiddle-faddle. But then again, I am not such a big believer in premortal arrangements that inevitably lead to a couple meeting and marrying. I guess, if I were pressed, I’d have to say I think the best way to find love and companionship is on the wing. Marriage, in my uninformed opinion, is the biggest gamble in the world. It also gives you the biggest jackpot in the world. By miraculous circumstances, which I believe are providential, I staked everything on a beautiful woman. My Beloved. Up at the old funeral home in Tioga. And I lost everything. The shirt off my back. But then I won it all back again, in spades. “In spades” is no longer politically correct. It refers to the game of birdge. But it suits my situation perfectly, so I'm using it. If you want to sue me for it, join the line that’s already formed.

Some people think they can program their life. That there’s an app online through the internet of things that will tell them what to think, tell them what to do, tell them what to not eat, tell them when to get up. Tell them who to vote for and tell them when to go to bed. But to paraphrase W.C. Fields: “Anyone who hates apps and bitcoin can’t be all bad.”

I don’t know exactly how My Beloved reacts to such old codger crankiness.  Since she herself has been intimately involved with many different programs online while working as a tax preparer for H&R block this year. She has spent the last four months online preparing taxes for the kind of people who eventually wind up walking around wearing nothing but a barrel. You pay taxes with money and money is almost as interesting to most people as sex. So we will change formats. Change gears, so to speak.  With a Q and A session with me and My Beloved. I am the Q and she is the A.

Q:  How did you first get involved with H&R Block?

A: I was looking for work. Many applications had gone out to many people. Marie Olson responded to my application and the rest is history. Marie Olson, I later learned, is a supervisor over the Provo District in corporate H&R Block.  That district covers the geographic area between American Fork on the north to Santaquin on the south and west of the Uinta Mountains, east of the Tooele Mountains. She is responsible for hiring assistants and Customer Service Persons for the various offices which require them. I was hired as an assistant to the busiest tax preparer in the district. Marie and I got along famously from the first time I met her. Her familiar manner was comforting to me. She felt a kinship with me as well and we have been friends ever since. She is my boss and I do anything she wants. She is always good to ask if I can do things instead of assume that I will be available if the time is different than what I signed up for. 

Q:  You once told me, in fact you have told me several times, that you do boring well. Is that part of the attraction for doing taxes for others at H&R Block?

A:  Nope. As an assistant to a tax preparer I could use the skills I had learned and acquired from the various offices I had been a part of. Using different programs and understanding the nuances of upgrades as well as limitations in programs helped. I had learned to scan many confidential documents and save to files. I had learned to work with a spreadsheet and manage accounting there. I understood about state tax and federal tax and Medicare and the percentages for each. All this is boring to someone who is not interested in bookkeeping or accounting. Yet these are the nuts and bolts of the organization for whom I work. I don’t consider this boring work. My job was to do whatever the tax preparer needed whether scanning, or data entry, or creating a document, or answering emails, or making phone calls, or setting appointments. I learned many of the finer points of the company well before I took the course for tax preparing. If I had not been introduced to the company this way it would have been a shock to enter the workforce of H&R Block after I took the class to be a tax preparer. The course is designed to educate a person about tax laws. It is not designed to teach you how to work the data entry software for H&R Block. There are several programs in which to work for keeping records at H&R Block.. Each has a purpose and the corporate team is always working on upgrades for better service to clients.

If there is a time that something is boring to me it’s most likely that it is tedious. Something that is tedious to me is very interesting to someone else and visa versa. I’m getting better at telling people no if it is going to be tedious beyond repair for me.


We take a break here to pull a pan of french fries out of the oven . . . 


Q:  Can you please describe for our readers a typical H&R Block Program that you are familiar with?

A:  I’m not sure what you mean.

Q:  Well, then, describe for us what you do for clients.

A:  I do many things. If I lead with a question “How may I help you today?” and not assume that I am doing their taxes, I get various answers that quickly allows me to help their situation. It can be anything from looking at a letter from IRS to sorting out their receipts for tax deductions on a small business. Of course the most frequent duty is to prepare their taxes for federal and state 1040 submission to IRS. The submission of federal and state income tax reports involves using the secure company program which has a direct line to IRS. It’s one-way so that if we submit the information we have access to what we submit. We don’t have access to IRS records if we have not submitted to them.

Q:  Thank you for that explanation, dear. What do you consider to be the best part of working at H&R Block as a tax preparer.

A:  People. Everyone is different. Everyone has a story. They come to H&R Block once a year and tell what has happened in the year. If the tax person is new to them they get to tell their whole life story in the 50 minute interview time. I like to find connections and comment about what I notice.

Q:  if you could change anything about your work at H&R Block what would it be?

A:  People. Some people are naturally fearful, drama prone, complaining, expecting and assuming. I do my best to assuage the fear and drama. Complainers need to have someone listen so I do. Those with unreasonable expectations I can usually refer to another more experienced tax pro. The assuming ones usually make an ass of you and me before we’re done.

Q:  One last question. What kind of personality and talent do you think are needed to succeed as a tax preparer at H&R Block.

A:  You need to be the kind of person who will connect with the people you serve. You will want to be able to remember things so you can help in various situations because not everyone is the same.  The laws are constantly changing so keeping up with them is another skill but the company helps with that as they require and provide annual class work to update you on new tax law changes.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Haiku: 風があなたの目を振る The wind shakes your eyes.


The wind shakes your eyes 

so the souls of the trees move

and the clouds sashay.




The wind shakes your eyes
while the mountains turn to dust
and the sparrows glide.


The wind shakes your eyes
so the stones start to rattle --
little twigs run home.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Today's Timericks: Judge Throws Out Federal Mask Mandate for Public Transportation (WSJ)

 No mask for me upon the train!

My face is free from rules profane!

I'll board my flight or take the bus

without a single bit of fuss!

The High Court sez I can't be made

to guard my health with cloth blockade!


"U.S.-Mexico Border Arrests Top One Million in Six Months."


Near the border you may be

put in jail eternally.

Officers along the line

act like they're on turpentine.

One cross look (without a crime!)

and you'll be serving real hard time.


"Yes, You Can Be More Than Your Job Title."


I'm all about my job, cuz why?

My ego it does magnify!

Underlings report to me.

I get to drive a car for free.

What's that? The boss has just announced

my whole department has been bounced!

So now I push a mop instead.

I sure do miss my feather bed!

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Narrative Poem: When Chives Ruled the Earth


The birds come to our feeder, a few at a time.

There are proud robins. Quirky goldfinches.

Arrogant cardinals. And shy bluebirds.

The dull brown sparrows try to feed, too.

But are chased off. Not by the birds, 

who are too proud to do their own dirty work.

They are chased away by the squirrels.

And where the birdfeed spills on the ground

chives grow. Willowy and vibrant green.

At least, I think they are chives.

I hope they are chives.

Because I put them in the soup

I serve to strangers who stop at my door

for a free meal.

I have a sign put up on the front lawn:


Lots of people show up.

So I make a big pot of bean soup

or chicken soup each day.

And sprinkle in freshly diced chives.

Funny, though. 

I never see any of these lonely or sad

people more than once after they've had

my soup.

It must give them the courage to carry on

and go forward.

Narrative Poem: U.S. Inflation Accelerated to 8.5% in March, Hitting Four-Decade High {WSJ}


I was walking down the street with my dog Zeus.

Suddenly he turned around and bit me.


he didn't really bite me.

Cuz I don't have a dog. I never had a dog.

But something bit me.

Cuz I'm limping around

and have fallen on hard times.

I took everything out of the bird feeder

and cooked it up for porridge.

I'm taking a class at the community college

on Dumpster Diving.

At work my boss tells us inflation

will put him out of business in six months.

At church the pastor passes the plate around


There is a cold wind blowing 

from the Federal Reserve.

It's inflating the tumbleweeds to

the size of elephants.

They roll over me,

leaving broken bones.

Shattered dreams.

Hopeless atrophy.

I have a bag of twigs and bark

that I'll trade you.

For anything.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Novel. The Old Funeral Home. Chapter Five. Part Two.


Monday. April 11. 2022. We got to the Rec Center just after 6 a.m. this
morning; Spent nearly two hours there. Now we're home and the Beloved
is anxious to get to work on our novel.

Part 2

Marriage. I had marriage on my mind every time I visited my Beloved at the old funeral home.

“Why did you want to get married Tim?”  the reader may ask.

“Because,” I reply, “I wanted to find the other half of the puzzle that is me.”

“Oh fiddlesticks,” the reader may perhaps snort in derision. “Now you are getting all Hallmark on us!”

But I must insist that I was born with an intense longing to attach myself to someone else. A human barnacle: that’s me.

I wanted to bond with my parents. Tried hard at it. But my dad was too prickly. And my mom was too chilly. I tried bonding, teaming up with, my siblings. But my sisters were girls. And as a small boy I knew intuitively that you can’t do very much with girls. They are too independent, like cats. I might have bonded well with my older brother Billy if I had been willing to go hunting with him. Or work on his jalopy in the garage with him. But I have never liked either blood or grease on my hands.

I thought for a while that I could team up with my best friend Wayne Matsuura. He lived across the street from me, and from fourth grade through high school our lives were pretty closely meshed.

“What do you want to do today?” I would ask him. 

If it were summer, invariably he would say “Let’s go fishing.”

“Wow!” I’d reply. “That’s what I was thinking about too!”

Boys who fish together should grow up to be men who fish together. Lifelong boon companions. But something happened to Wayne after high school. He discovered girls. And he dropped me like a hot briquette. 

So I was still searching for someone.  Someone in the shape I needed. Then I met Tim Holst at the Ringling Clown college. He baptized me into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And I followed him around like a puppy. Wherever he went I wanted to go as well. We both were first-of-May’s in The Greatest Show On Earth.

One day Holst took me aside for a serious talk.

“ Tork” he said “you gotta stop following me around so much. You should be getting ready to serve a mission.” 

“I don’t wanna go on a mission” I told him. “I’m having too much fun doing this.” I swept my arms around to indicate the tiger cages, concession stands, elephant tubs, and all the other wondrous paraphernalia of the big top.

But eventually I did go on an LDS mission. To Thailand. When I was being mustered out, my mission president, Harvey Brown. sat me down to say “Elder Torkildson, your mission is not over when you are released. You are still called to go out and find a wife to marry in the temple.” 

This was news to me. I thought i would simply go back to the circus and be a single solitary clown the rest of my life. But President Brown’s words acted like a profound catalyst on me.

A wife. A spouse. Yes. that is what I had been needing for all these lonely years – a help meet. It became clear. Marriage. Children. Harmony. Love. Completion.

So when I got to Williston I met my beloved and followed her up to the old funeral home in Tioga. It was because I knew that I needed her to become what I was meant to be.

“Hogwash!” the cynical reader exclaimed. “You have just been brainwashed by an authority/ father figure. It was actually hormones that were guiding your steps”

“ Phooey! I am made for love and companionship. Sex is secondary.”

(What a great way to start talking about the feelings of ‘I gotta get married’! Every young woman who goes to Ricks college – BYU-I was called that 50 years ago when I attended – or BYU in Provo has one major and several minors. The major is “marry an RM” the minor is either Elementary Ed or Early Childhood Education. 

When I became of age to think about going to college I had no desire what ever to do so. I wanted to stay on the farm and raise cattle and ride horse and play with the kitties all day. My mom had one ambition for every child in her brood. They had to go to Ricks college for at least one year. For many of us she had an idea of what she wanted us to study and possibly get a bachelor’s degree in. I had no idea what I wanted to do at that place. 

“Amy, I have the paperwork ready to send in and apply for your admission to Ricks,” Mom said one day in my senior year of high school. “You will want to be thinking about what you will study.” 

I looked at the floor and then out the window. I went out to the barn and sat with the kitties. When I came in after chores she asked if i had any ideas. I replied that I had none. 

Mom said, “I want you to become a teacher like your aunts and your grandmother”  I said, “I’ll do Special Ed before I’ll do Elementary Ed!”  She said, “Fine, you can do Special Ed.”  I had not even spoken to anyone who was handicapped before let alone have a relationship with someone with disabilities to even have a clue what I was getting myself into. 

Mom’s drive was so strong in her because of her own sadness. She is the oldest in her family of 6 siblings. She was born in 1934. In the middle of the depression. Her dad was a farmer on a homestead farm. Times were tough. By the time of  her graduation there wasn’t money for higher education. Mom wanted to be a history teacher. She loved the stories about all the English kings and queens. She was a good story teller herself. So was her dad. Her younger brother Alan went to the Army and got an education through them. He was very smart. By the time he was done he had learned over 40 languages and became an interpreter for the government. I learned about very smart people. They have a need to be creative and busy away from other people. He was musical too, like my mom and the rest of them. I knew one thing. I was not like him. 

Mom was smart though. She had learned typewriting skills in high school and got a job typing for an office of land surveyors. It was a traveling office and there was a team of girls typing for them. One memorable trip to Watford City Mom met a fellow. He was sweet on her and then went in the Army. He wrote to her a while and then stopped. It turned out that he was killed in the Korean war. She always remembered that sacrifice. One trip back home to White Earth she happened be out dancing with one of the Anderson brothers –  there were 5 – he was home on leave. His younger brother – also home on leave – came along after the dance to ride home. The radio was playing and a dancing tune came on so they stopped the car along the dirt road and Mom and the younger brother got out to dance. The rest is history as they say. Mom and Dad were married a few months later. November 1952. 

Mom’s younger sisters were able to each go to college. By the time they were old enough for schooling Grandpa had prospered well on the farm. The war made a difference in the price of grain and livestock so they were able to get the girls started. What that did for my mom was increase her desire to have all of us kids get the most education possible. We all had music lessons. We all went to the International Music Camp in Bottineau starting in 8th grade through high school. We all had dance or ballet lessons for three years anyway. And we all went to Ricks, except Berny -- he went to BYU only. Mom about had a conniption about it! But it was his choice and by the time it was his turn he was independent enough to do his own application with no input from Mom. Berny had been driving tractor and working on farms since he was 9 years old. I wish i was exaggerating but I’m not. Since the time he could choose his toys he chose trucks. 18 wheelers like his daddy drove. He chose tractors that could hitch things to the back and really move the dirt. When he was 4 he planted a patch of wheat in the back yard and it sprouted. He felt like the Little Red Hen when he said “Who will help me make my wheat into flour?” He became my brother who was prosperous.

Mom had put her skills to good use. She taught us every day. Each one was important. But then we were Norwegian blood too. That carries with it certain inhibitions that you don’t think about. You just do what needs to be done and go on with life. You don’t spend time being too happy or too sad or grieve about anything. You just do your stuff and keep going. The game shows were always a fake to me. People would be so jumped-up-and-down excited. I don’t recall doing that. Ever. Except when i got the job at Sun Valley, Idaho. The most I ever remember was being told that I should say “thank you” to somebody if they said something nice. I remember that in recitals for music and dance competitions that we got to hear applause but that was different. Feelings inside of me had been turned off for lots of things. It has been a great work to turn them on. 

When I went to Ricks college Mom told me what I was supposed to be doing every day. I had learned to keep a journal and I was good at a schedule in high school. The important thing that happened to me was that I began to feel the influence of the Spirit. I attended my meetings and was active in church and that had a more profound effect on me than I could have imagined. I wanted to get married. And that was all I wanted. I studied my class work and passed my exams. I worked hard and graduated. Went to BYU for more of the same. I went to Tioga to teach school and met Tim there. I was pretty sure that I wanted to get married but had no clue what it would be like except I wanted to be loved.)

Sunday, April 10, 2022

The Haiku Pole.


We live in a small one-bedroom apartment in Provo, Utah. 

Sometimes my artistic delusions cannot be contained inside of it.

So I have taken to writing out haiku on index cards and tacking them to a wooden telephone pole down the street. The pole is at the corner of 200 North and 600 West.

So far no one has defaced or removed the haiku cards.

When I did the same thing on the door of our storage closet here in the building, the cards were often defaced and scribbled over with crude insults. Then the building management told me to remove them all. That incident left a sour taste in my mouth.

I wonder if there is a Provo city ordinance about posting on telephone poles?

I'll be keeping track of this pole's status, sending out updates as needed.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Photo Essay: Haiku: 春の木の山 The woodpile in spring


The woodpile in spring --

some kind of a bug wakes up;

it's hungry for blood.

The woodpile in spring --
pining for the snow and flame;
now a hollow gourd.

The woodpile in spring --
sorry, chips, you're not needed.
Seasonal layoff.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Rachel Wolfe of the Wall Street Journal: Peacocks and Crawfish.

 The first thing you'll hear from Rachel Wolfe upon meeting her is "You pronounce it Nyew Ah Lee-ans, ya'all . . ."

For she is a child of the South, born and bred and matriculated south of the Mason Dixon Line. Her parents dropped her off at a Winn-Dixie as a six-year-old child and left her to fend for herself for the next twenty years. She did just fine -- or, rather, 'jest fie-en.'

She peddled hush puppies to work her way through the Meddling Journalism School of Upper Sandusky, Ohio, where she received a Phi Beta Kapa bottle opener for her brilliant efforts on the school newspaper. She wrote a series of searing exposes on why the Dean of the school was not really named Dean at all, but Jerald. This blew the whole rotten academic structure sky high.

On her crawfish farm in Baton Down the Hatches, Louisiana, she likes to play badminton with live peacocks. In addition to her newspaper work, she is vice chairperson of the Milburn Drysdale Window Putty Association, which provides chaise longues to deserving young couch potatoes. 

At the Wall Street Journal she is celebrated for her incisive bedside manner. She will sit with a sick story for days on end, nursing it back to relevance with a combination of liver bitters and endless reruns of Ernest Saves Christmas.

She has received so many awards in the past few years that she now has an active eBay business selling them as paper weights. 

Her advice to young journalists just starting out is:  "A good editor will never stab you in the back -- only in the front!"

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Haiku Photo Essay: 花びらが落ちる Blossom Petals Drop


Blossom petals drop --

it's a pretty lame season

for a baseball strike.

Blossom petals drop --

too good to be called litter;

snobbishness of spring.

Blossom petals drop --
covering the rusted car;
a budget paint job.