Sunday, November 22, 2020
The Unauthorized Autobiography of Me. Section Three.
Today's Timericks.
My glasses fog up with a mask; I don't know what to do/the remedies suggested by the experts are all foo/and so I take my glasses off, and lo the world's serene/cuz many things are gossamer and have a rosy sheen.
Why must food be served on plates/what good is a fork/think outside the salt cellar/must wine have a cork/revolutionize your meals/then when ennui strikes/butter up some toasted jam/served with deep fried shrikes.
Student test scores drop in math/this fills parents with great wrath/Little Johnny cannot count/this affects his bank account/distance learning is a flop/when your kid's a lollipop/if the parents don't instruct/all our children will be . . . at a great disadvantage.
High rollers in Las Vegas are now scattered to the winds/they will not stick around to put down any more big skins/Casinos are as empty as a tomb on Judgement Day/the roulette wheels need oiling and the dice show much decay/vice is on hiatus, as the gamblers retire/and the devil starts to weep as he cries "Cease fire!"
Saturday, November 21, 2020
The Unauthorized Autobiography of Me. Section Two.
Today's timericks.
Modern stylites we became/worshipping a grand mainframe/that salvation in a box/brings us in our robes and socks/Backs now turned to analog/our home is haven -- or gulag.
Put your money where your mouth is/when it's fraud you want to claim/give us facts, not fiction/if you're gonna play this game/Even stalwarts tire/of your everlasting fuss/and soon will gladly throw you/under any passing bus.
Tofurky's an intruder that will never pass my gate/I'd rather eat a polecat or some splintered wooden crate/If tradition you are bent on positively muckin'/bring to me a succulent and toothsome roast turducken!
Trump is pumping state assemblies/where he has a lot of friendlies/to defraud the people's vote/getting them to switch by rote/If his ruse becomes effective/Biden might be retrospective!
Giving Thanks.
Giving thanks is simple, yet
I so often do forget
to discover blessings small --
and that God's behind them all.
Friday, November 20, 2020
The Unauthorized Autobiography of Me. Section One.
"The little piece you have just sent is good and very interesting. The last two lines are especially engaging. I almost said they cracked me up—but in reality that’s not what their effect was. What I felt was more a sense of admiration and pleasure at the artistry and cleverness, along with delight in the small puff of somewhat elusive insight into your way of thinking.
Having said that, the overall “sense” of this poem is VERY unclear because it goes all over the place, and some lines (unless their plain sense is deceptive) contradict others. I would have to talk to you to find out what your point really is, apart from “I do what I want to do and if you don’t like it, you can go to another trough.”
In any case, it saddens me that, if I’m catching your vibes, you don’t really want feedback, feedback that I believe would be helpful, if you were willing to consider it."
I start this story
which may or may not
belong to me
with an email from
a friend.
Tomorrow, I think,
he may just be a ride
to the Provo Rec Center.
So many helpful critics in my life.
So few close enough to warm
yet distant enough not to chafe.
Maybe it's because my parents
never let me have a dog.
If I was born, I don't remember it.
If it's all just a dream,
I will row away with a girl
on each oar.
I don't know if my father
Donald Sylvester Torkildson
was at my birth.
I doubt it.
Sometimes, as a child,
I doubted if my mother
Evelyn Marie Gagne Torkildson
was there either.
My very first memory
is of writing this prose poem.
Before that, all is supposition
and myth.
I was poisoned from the beginning.
Winston. Salem. Alpine. Tareyton.
So many cigarette brands used by
the adults in my life;
in closed quarters during long winters --
it was like being incarcerated in the
proverbial 'smoke-filled room'
of political lore.
It was thought that if a candle
were lit all the tobacco smoke
would be eaten up by the flame
and become harmless.
I cough myself awake most mornings.
Why was I born?
Ah, the first big question!
Requiring a flippant and
deceiving reply?
I was born to make people laugh.
And to make them cry.
And to get them riled up.
And so so often to bore them.
and puzzle them.
And finally I was born because
a fantastic plan is in place --
a cosmic conspiracy involving
the whole human race.
And I am a crucial part.
As are you.
My mother had two boys before me.
Leonard and Billy.
She had two girls after me.
Sue Ellen and Linda.
So I was the pivot.
The hinge of fate.
The toad in the hole.
The world revolved around me
until my mother slapped me
when I was six.
For sticking my tongue
out at her and not eating
my Maypo, which I had
begged her to buy for me
because it looked so delicious
on the TV commercials.
But it was just oatmeal.
Nothing special.
Why didn't my mother
recognize how cheated I felt
at that moment?
I need to hijack
the Way Back Machine
to tell her I was frustrated
and disappointed, but not at
her -- at the Maypo, mom!
The Maypo!
So much of my life has been Maypo . . .
A Prophet Speaks This Very Day
A prophet speaks this very day;
and will we hear what he will say?
Or will our worldly disbelief
so rob us of his good relief?
A humble heart, not analytic,
will make believers of each critic!
Today's timericks.
I'm using all the brains I have to get by nowadays/I doubt if it is ten percent -- I'm always in a haze/The rest of my grey matter's on a permanent vacation/It's incommunicado at some tropical location.
Pastors want their churches open, it is plain to me/so they keep on working and collecting a fat fee/Idle clergy do not get much manna from the Lord/and empty pews give clergy but a trivial reward.
The elephant has sad old eyes/and so it comes as no surprise/when eccentrics guarantee/the animal's humanity/But if I were a pachyderm/that would really make me squirm/Since humans are so very cruel/and rarely live the Golden Rule.
Free radicals are after me/so full of rank duplicity/in my bloodstream they do lurk/doing hemic dirty work/hurry, mountebanks, to me/with your nostrums gluten free!
I love scallions, yes I do/but if I should breathe on you/your reaction is to make/faces at me like a hake/so I'll switch to garlic corm/as my staple snacking norm.
Inside the house I wear my shoes/because bare feet are bugaboos/they pick up lint and turn all black/and I might step upon a tack/If I could float like Voldemort/I'd take 'em off like a good sport.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Today's Timericks
I love sauerkraut, you bet/yet I often do regret/eating it so late at night/with a fiendish appetite/I have dreams that Hitler would/call a reason for sainthood.
Sore losers come in many shapes/gnashing on their sour grapes/but the current prize goes to/a certain White House bugaboo/he's so brittle and unreal/he sounds just like a glockenspiel.
Don't travel on Thanksgiving/that's the word from CDC/just stay at home relaxing/watching football on TV/Order Chinese takeout, with a six pack on the side/and if you grow despondent/try a little cyanide.
state governments are trying many things to fight the plague/but somewhere 'long the line they're still a-thinkin' mighty vague/they're closing schools, then curfews start/but ask them to shut down/biznesses again and all you get's an angry frown.
Rudy Giuliani is a bedbug crazy guy/who leads his legal team to doom while hollering 'banzai!'/he hasn't got a chance in hell, but that won't stop the suits/he's filing like a madman for the client and his mutes.
The grave shall have no victory
No victory goes to the grave;
Christ our Savior all will save --
some to great estate beyond,
while others their estate have pawned --
but all will resurrected be
I testify most happily.