Guests on “Hot Ones” regularly freak out—and give candid interviews
to audiences in the millions. On the program, which posts a new episode
online every Thursday morning, host Sean Evans asks celebrities about
their careers while together they eat 10 progressively spicier chicken
wings. Episodes run around 22 minutes.
Cain slew Abel not because he hated godly things,
But because poor Abel wouldn’t share his chicken wings.
The Flood that Noah circumvented on his wooden ship
Was caused by all the tears shed eating chick wings with hot dip.
Caligula, that awful man, would torture victims by
Dousing them with hot sauce till for mercy they did cry.
And Ghengis Khan rode roughshod over half of Europe cuz
He couldn’t find a drink to counteract that hot wings buzz.
Minions of the Inquisition kept a pinion pot
Boiling by their victims side and fed them piping hot.
Gestapo agents also used the fear of Scoville levels
To rip confessions from gourmets in Vichy France -- the devils!
It’s clear to me hot chicken wings are not meant for mankind.
Their spiciness and greasiness will make you lose your mind.
Abusing tastebuds with such stuff is such a curse, not blessing --
So pass another wing this way, along with the ranch dressing!