Monday, January 4, 2021

The welfare of my soul


Though I clothe myself in satin

and feed richly on risole,

what's the use of fancy living

that neglects my needy soul?

Feasting on the scriptures whole

will my spirit instead fatten!

Sunday, January 3, 2021

A winter bird


A winter bird with stiffened wings

that found its flight too full of stings.

Pinioned in some bushes handy,

looking like a Spanish grandee.

With Spring, perhaps, surprising thaws

will help both he and I feel dandy.

Remember when we were in Calipers?


Remember when we were in Calipers,

and you wore a Fleischmann's Yeast ring?

Your Aqua Net hair made so many stare,

while Folgers around us did sing!

And then there was Wahpeton Station,

where we drank our Gallo in bliss;

the Glidden sprang up like some frisky pup --

we ran, but the Beech-Nut did miss.

The Felbish was never so Hamline,

the Bicycle Cards never blew

all over the decks like handfuls of Chex

when we drove down Route 42.

The Hostess and Clorox have faded.

Crayola and Culligan too.

But Dr. Scholl's patch can never detach

that London Fog that we once knew!

You'll come back to me


You'll come back to me;

or I'll come back to you.

Wouldn't it be nice

if such things would come true?

But you left long ago

and I've moved on since then;

the bitter tides insist --

'There is no where or when.'

The words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.


The words of Jesus Christ secure

us from all folly and allure

that otherwise sends us adrift

and makes of life but dull short shrift.

Heed his words today to be

caught up in full felicity.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

My son had a blanket


My son had a blanket he carried about.

All color dragged out of it finally.

It was his totem and breechclout.

It was more real to him than Amy and I.

I took it away once to punish him.

He lay down like roadkill to cry.

But I thought pity should not my duty cloy.

I was very wrong -- but he won't hear me now

when I say "Forgive me, my dear little boy."

Incorrect traditions.


Examine ev'ry custom that you follow willy-nilly;
some are beneficial but how many are just silly?
Superstitious dogma or attraction to sly fraud
still keep so many people from quite understanding God.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Having been favored above every other nation.


The favor of the Lord is great,

but those who do procrastinate

and let in lazy slipshod ways

will find that laxness never pays.

Their former glory will depart,

to leave behind a crippled heart.

"Out of the Office."


(Dedicated to Anthony Harrup. WSJ)

I'm out of the office and cannot reply.
(I work from my laptop at home, by the by.)
Important affairs are engaging me now.
(As from my window I watch a snowplow.)
If this is important and brooks no delay
(and threatens my long winter naps to gainsay)
contact my editor, agent, or aide
(while I view The Simpsons on my bed unmade.)

No hot water New Year's Day


No hot water New Year's Day

in the building where I stay.

Dishes washed still full of grease;

how I'd like to break the lease.

But it's subsidized, you see --

All hail Social Security!