Thursday, September 3, 2020

Timericks from stories in today's Washington Post.


President Trump on Thursday sought to clarify remarks in which he suggested voting twice, saying in tweets that he was instead urging those who vote by mail to follow up at their polling place to make sure their mail-in ballots have been counted.

There once was a President who

wanted with voting to screw.

He said to vote twice;

illegal advice

that honest campaigning would skew.

After Trump moved to slash federal funding from several cities his administration labeled as “anarchist jurisdictions” late Wednesday, specifically singling out New York, Cuomo shot back. The commander in chief, he said, was “persona non grata” in their shared hometown.

New York is a city on trial;

Trump thinks it's a big crocodile

that ought to be shot

like some Huguenot

that thought the French king rather vile.

The coronavirus pandemic stranded this traveling family circus.

The clowns ain't smiling anymore.

The camel's looking mighty poor.

The Ringmaster has lost his voice.

The circus faces Hobson's Choice.

Perhaps they all will run away

to join a home and no more stray.

The pandemic is ruining our sleep. Experts say ‘coronasomnia’ could imperil public health.

If I should ever sleep again,

I don't know how; I don't know when.

Pandemic stress keeps me awake

like a ceaseless sharp toothache.

I toss and turn like restless wave

and haven't got the strength to shave.

If I don't get some sleep real fast

you'll find me an iconoclast!

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