Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Alma 56:8 --   But I would not suffer them that they should break this covenant which they had made, supposing that God would strengthen us, insomuch that we should not suffer more because of the fulfilling the oath which they had taken.

Fulfill your oaths and you will find the strength to carry on,
despite the rumors of great wars or lack of breaking dawn.
A covenant with God creates a bond that angels guard,
especially when life gets dark and dirty and quite hard.
Trust in the Almighty and your faith will not be vain;
His promises are surety for all our grief and pain.
No other master guarantees what God alone can do;
obey Him not for fear, but for the love He bears for you! 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Forbidden wine is very sweet

Alma 55:10 - But Laman said unto them: Let us keep of our wine till we go against the 
Nephites to battle. But this saying only made them more desirous to drink of the wine

Forbidden wine is very sweet, until it's all drunk up.
Then the bitterness of it corrodes the very cup.
Heed the Lamanite's mistake, and never abdicate
your reason for a passion that can hornswoggle your fate.
Balm of Gilead is there, to put you at your ease --
you do not need a spurious cure to bring you to your knees.
No nostrum ever brewed can take the place of simple truth;
the Gospel in and of itself is like the Fount of Youth!  

Monday, May 23, 2016

I'd like to see you, now and then

I'd like to see you, now and then, whenever you're in town;
I'd like to know you think of me as more than just a clown.
A handshake and a hug are not so hard to justify,
when the long years rob me of your presence by and by.
A visit to my humble room, a call upon the phone;
it's hell to have you close at hand and still be all alone.
You're very busy, I am sure, and I'm dull company -- 
But, oh, the joy I'd really feel if you would visit me . . .
I won't be here forever, cuz someday I'll have to leave;
but seeing you in person would be just like a reprieve.
My door is always ready, and my heart stays open, too.
 Must I wait for heaven just to get a glimpse of you? 

The devil does not like to lose a member of his clan

Alma 54:8 ==
  But as ye have once rejected these things, and have fought against the people of the Lord, even so I may expect you will do it again.
The devil does not like to lose a member of his clan;
he'll offer up soft words and richest pleasures, if he can.
He uses ev'ry artifice to conjure up a fraud,
to make us think we cannot, should not, go back to our God.
He paints a chilling picture of  just how we'll be received,
to keep us from returning to those we have sorely grieved.
But he is a mere trickster, and can offer nothing firm
to anyone -- except the guarantee to make us squirm.
Take it from a sinner who made quite a full return;
coming back's a chance a great new happiness to learn!   

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Family Councils

"No matter what our particular family situation is, it is critical that we understand the unique circumstances of each family member. Though we may share DNA, there may be situations and circumstances among us that may make us vastly different from each other and which may require the compassionate collaboration of the family council".  Elder M. Russell Ballard. 
A council is a meeting that's inspired by the Lord;
it should not be a waste of time that might make people bored.
Each member of the council has a say in what's discussed;
it should be done in charity so no one will get fussed.
Nobody sits in judgement and nobody gets the blame;
 all our tongues and feelings should be positive and tame.
Nobody plays at Solomon, to hew a child in twain;
no Lamans should attempt to rule alone (and quite in vain).
When councils are done properly, the fam'ly will be blessed;
they are a holy safeguard to keep us from getting stressed. 
And even though I'm all alone, I can council one-on-one;
and give myself advice that is uplifting and homespun! 

The Cause of the Christians

Alma 46:16 --  And therefore, at this time, Moroni prayed that the cause of the Christians, and the freedom of the land might be favored.

Favor us, O God of Freedom; keep our standards high,
as we look to Thee for help as in the days gone by.
Frustrate ev'ry demagogue who plans our degradation;
give us courage in the battle to protect our nation.
Help us find the honest man and woman for our leaders;
and shun the mountebank and other grasping bottom feeders.   
Forgive our fascination with the follies of great fools,
and make of us sound workmen who will toil with honest tools.
Our birthright we do cherish, for it is a gift from Thee.
We'll rend our coats, perforce, that we may safeguard liberty. 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

I am a child of God

"Our most fundamental doctrine includes the knowledge that we are children of a living God . . . This doctrine is so basic, so oft stated, and so instinctively simple that it can seem to be ordinary, when in reality it is among the most extraordinary knowledge we can obtain."   Donald L. Hallstrom. 

A child of Deity am I; I will inherit soon
all my Father has for me; an inconceivable boon.
What have I done to merit this; is God somehow beguiled?
No! Tis simple Gospel truth that I am but his child!
And not just I myself, but all the people of the earth
were once his precious infants given joyous mortal birth. 
So never hang your head and say you've been cast off, my friend;
for heaven holds a Father who is not at all pretend!  

The Elephant

From the New York Times:

There is no denying that the stakes are high. As of 2013, the elephant population in Africa had plummeted to about 400,000, according to the conservation site, from some 1.3 million in 1979, due to strong demand for ivory, particularly in Asia, where it is a status symbol for the burgeoning middle class.

An elephant never forgets
when made into rings and bracelets.
To tell you the truth,
if killed for a tooth,
I, too, would have many regrets.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Fiona Ma announces she’s running for state treasurer

Oh what a tangled web we spin
when office seeking we begin.
The promises we have to make
are often vague and nearly fake.
The spider does not tempt her fate;
she doesn't run -- she likes to wait.
I wish all politicians ran
right off a pier and into flan. 

Iran’s Government and Revolutionary Guards Battle for Control of Economy

From the Wall Street Journal:
President Hassan Rouhani wants to make way for foreign deals and investment by limiting the business role taken on by the Revolutionary Guards when sanctions isolated Iran.

Lady Macbeth learned it slowly;
the shedding of blood is unholy.
Let those murdering Guards
with their lonely graveyards
for the mullahs play nothing but goalie.