I miss Dave Moore. He did the news on WCCO TV in Minneapolis forever. I grew up knowing that anything Dave Moore said about Art Naftalin or Minnehaha Falls was the copper bottomed truth, and probably very important to my well being -- even though as a kid I had more pressing concerns to deal with, like where to play kickball when they were paving the streets or preserving my allowance to purchase the latest MAD magazine.
Dave Moore gave the local news with an earthy panache, as well as detail, that no longer seems to exist. I hope I’m wrong, but the local news that was a constant background chatter for me as a kid has disappeared -- or have I just gone hard of hearing?
If you seek the local news, you’re seeking it in vain.
The local news is owned by corporations who will reign
Over your opinions and perceptions, but refuse
To give you anything that passes as your local news.
Newspaper or radio, or television station --
Local stories now have gone on permanent vacation.
City council meetings or a school board jamboree --
Thinking they’ll be covered by the news is fantasy.
Or if by chance they’re mentioned by the local fourth estate,
It’s only cuz there is a chance it will make good clickbait.
Our sense of neighborhood and of community is nil,
As algorithms manufacture nothing but warm swill.