Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Free Money

The idea is gaining traction in many countries as a proposal to soften the edges of capitalism. Though the details and philosophies vary from place to place, the general notion is that the government hands out regular checks to everyone, regardless of income or whether people are working. The money ensures food and shelter for all, while removing the stigma of public support.
From the NYTimes.

Inadequate wages have spurred the debate:
Should countries free income for people create?
It might be a blessing, or terrible jinx.
A riddle, indeed, worthy of the keen sphinx!

They’ve tried it in Kenya, in Finland, in Canada too.
The city of Oakland might also come through.
Conservatives, though, are not beating a path
To give it a whirl -- they are swooning with wrath.

“There is no free lunch” has been thousands of years
Dinned into peasants and pauper’s sore ears.
But maybe it’s time for all those who won’t spread

humane economics on crow to be fed.  

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Great Italian Clown Illustrator: Roberto Formigoni

The great Italian circus clown illustrator Roberto Formigoni is from Bescia, in northern Italy. His father worked as a political cartoonist in Rome, until Mussolini forced him to flee the city or face a long jail sentence.

Roberto loves all clowns. He calls Chaplin "the Mime King" and considers Laurel and Hard to be "the Maestros of Mayhem." He is especially drawn to circus clowns in his native country, drawing them frequently for newspapers, magazines, and for sale at art galleries.

Formigoni calls Italian circus clowns "the only people on the Earth today who can save us from the Void." His illustrations on this blog show some of his work illustrating circus programs for Il Circa del Mosca and for the academy La Scuola Del Circo.

 Formigoni once tried his hand at being a circus buffoon. He said that the audience knew he was not in love with them the moment he walked into the ring, and so they wouldn't believe his clowning and refused to applaud him.

He admires the work of American clown artist Jim Howle, calling him "the Norman Rockwell of the big top circus -- he's a worshipper first, and a painter second."

Formigoni says that the Italian Circus is not under any cloud or pressure to change their traditional animal acts.
"All this false publicity about our circuses going under is a black falsehood. Only a sick person would want the Italian circus to fail. Only a sour soul wants to end something that is so fun and beautiful!"

The Street Performer. Dedicated to Johan Figueroa-Gonzalez

Remarked upon, then left behind, small change tossed in a jar;
The street performer follows a peculiar canny star.
Competing with reality, he aims beyond the crowd
For something quiet and sincere that comes off very loud.

Roasted by the sun or dampened by the sullen rain,
She counts donations carefully -- until she’s robbed again.
Hoping for reporters to give her publicity
So she can get the tourists to pay for photography.

You don’t find many seniors on the street as mimes or wits;
The hours are too long and then the money often quits.
But young and reckless buskers are a salt to savor oft --

They make the dark streets brighter and hard avenues quite soft.

There's a Special Prosecutor Just For You!

"You must be guilty of something . . . "

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department said Monday that prosecutors were looking into whether a special counsel should be appointed to investigate political rivals President Trump has singled out for scrutiny, including Hillary Clinton.
From the NYTimes.

There’s a special prosecutor for the Clinton campaign staff;
They are going to investigate with writs and polygraph.
And then there is Obama -- he will not get off scot-free;
His uranium shenanigans will get the third degree.

There are special prosecutors for the Congress and what’s more
They will multiply like fruit flies to help even up the score
With anyone who trifles with the current status quo --
They will soon invade each condo and each liberal chateau.

They’re swarming o’er the countryside, a legal locust tide
Inspecting ev’ry folly with a mandate blunt and wide.
Whether in the office or while driving your own car
A special prosecutor can bring you before the bar.

The job requires nothing but a nose that is voracious
For information scandalous, embarrassing, salacious.
A smattering of Latin and a dogged loyalty
Will set you up in office to start spying instantly.

Unemployment disappears as prosecutors breed
From the ranks of ward heelers like some dark noxious weed.
So watch your P’s and Q’s, my friend, or they will prosecute
You for next to nothing -- and your future will be moot.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Just Sayin'

In Heaven do they say “Have a nice day”?

Can a zombie roll over and play dead?  

Instead of license plates why don’t cars have barcodes?

At my last job I went postal -- I didn’t arrive until two weeks later.

I work as a freelance politician -- I’ll cheat anybody.

Birds don’t find anything funny -- not even their own feathers tickle them.

I never go fishing for compliments -- I’d rather shoot ‘em in a barrel.

Why do they call her the “First Lady”? Were all the previous ones tramps?

If the universe is expanding why aren’t airline seats?

I’ve believed in reincarnation ever since I had to repeat the second grade.

When I make a picnic the ants hitchhike to the nearest McDonalds.

Ever get the feeling your life is an extended Candid Camera episode?

Why do people look for closure before they find an opening?

It snows here in the winter, but I never have to shovel my driveway -- I moved it to Florida.

I have a friend who can’t eat alphabet soup -- he’s illiterate.

I bought a marionette, but I had to return it -- there were no strings attached.

You wanna live dangerously?  Try stir frying popcorn.  

PETA wants to give flying squirrels parachutes.

A waffle is just a pancake with a skin problem

I know a lot of Catholics who take Mass Transportation

The NSA Has Been Hacked -- So What Else is New?

Current and former agency officials say the Shadow Brokers disclosures, which began in August 2016, have been catastrophic for the N.S.A., calling into question its ability to protect potent cyberweapons and its very value to national security. The agency regarded as the world’s leader in breaking into adversaries’ computer networks failed to protect its own.
From the NYTimes.

When the doughty government of Uncle Sam decides
It will deal with scoundrels with effective pesticides,
Agents with rare training and deep cunning are employed
To keep the villains running and to make them paranoid.

And so the NSA was formed to decimate the ranks
Of those who lurked in cyberspace attacking on our flanks.
They gathered so much data and intelligence for war
That no one cloud could hold it, so it lay upon the floor.

And so those nasty hackers who delight to thumb their nose
At our lovely government swept intel up in rows.
Now it is residing god knows where in cyberspace --
And NSA admits it may have lost a little face.

But some new agency will rise to carry on the fight,
With taxpayer-fueled funding that will bankrupt left and right.
So terrorists, just watch your step -- we’ve got your number now.

You cannot sink our Ship of State (though it might be a scow.)

The Age of Faith -- in Social Media

Joseph Zwilling, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of New York, said that some churches already offer apps, a trend he does not approve. “There are enough occasions for our mind to wander during Mass; we shouldn’t be using these artificial things that take us away,” he said.  From the NYTimes.

In this age of text and tweet, when hope is on the brink,
Parishioners first cross themselves, then search for shopping link.
The priest may give a homily that makes the stained glass glitter,
But those who bow their heads below are actually on Twitter.

In congregations near and far, the faithful appear drugged
On Facebook and on Reddit, and refuse to be unplugged.
The miracle of Instagram replaces Lourdes and Mecca --
The golden calf that’s worshipped now is certainly high techa.

We play with little pinwheels while the Master of us all
Shakes His head at all the trinkets holding us in thrall.
When He deigns to speak to us, no smartphone will be needed;

All cyberspace will hold its tongue, while YouTube goes unheeded . . .

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Tribute to Dorothy Parker

Mrs. Parker and Those Girls Who Wear Glasses

Dorothy Parker was a New York wit & writer who penned these immortal lines back in 1924:
Men seldom make passes
at girls who wear glasses.

In honor of its 83-year anniversary, I offer some variations on that theme. To wit:
Men seldom leave traces
on girls who wear braces.
Men seldom want babies
from girls who have rabies.

Men seldom write lyrics
for girls in hysterics.

Men seldom stop winking
at girls who are drinking.

Men seldom sincerely
like girls who think clearly.

Men seldom wear clothing
that girls are not loathing.
Men seldom take breath mints
for girls who make death hints.

And in the spirit of the times, let us update Ms Parker's lines:
Girls seldom make passes
at men with fat *****

What is Modar?

From RNS (Religion News Service)

All Mormons alike look to me.
They have that ‘frightful symmetry.’
Their sainthood assured,
They cannot be lured
With pricey immorality.

First Contact with Alien Intelligence (SETI)

From The Atlantic.

It came upon a midnight clear, while scientists were snoring --
A burst of sentient radio waves in wondrous outpouring.
From Sagittarius it sped into the Chinese basin --
Which sent eavesdropping analysts off to Beijing a-racin’.

Twas proven now beyond a doubt that life beyond the stars
Was ready for FIrst Contact and perhaps some seminars.
The world recoiled in disbelief at China’s great disclosure --
It caused our Chief Executive to lose his cool composure.

The evidence was solid and the proof was so conclusive
That it could not be doubted -- though some Baptists stayed abusive.
To formulate a fit response a group of scholars wary
Concocted just one question for the radio beams to carry.

“How can we have peace on Earth, with mercy mild today?”
Was the query that they sent on its interstellar way.
They had to wait full many years before there was reply
From the cryptic mirrored stars that shone up in the sky.

But at last that basin great in China caught the news
And throughout the gaping world the message did diffuse:
“Earthlings, peace is only had when in your wildest dream --
Unless, of course, you rub your skin with Booferbumber’s cream!”

“So smooth and so refreshing, it will give you mercy mild;
It’s approved for man and beast, for blergs and for young child!
And then you’ll also want to drink organic Klinkerflog!
It will keep your nerblocks green, as green as any frog.”

“And don’t forget to herm your scrot with Diblox Lorfing Moof.
It now comes in a neutron thread while staying waterproof!
This cosmogonal message has been brought to you for free
By the advertisers in the Fornax Galaxy.”

“If you want to speak with our great scientists and sages,
It will cost you plenty in rare stones and gold and wages.
As their sponsors we control the flow of knowledge, so

Prepare to meet your masters and send rocketships of dough!”