The idea is gaining traction in many countries as a proposal to soften the edges of capitalism. Though the details and philosophies vary from place to place, the general notion is that the government hands out regular checks to everyone, regardless of income or whether people are working. The money ensures food and shelter for all, while removing the stigma of public support.
From the NYTimes.
Inadequate wages have spurred the debate:
Should countries free income for people create?
It might be a blessing, or terrible jinx.
A riddle, indeed, worthy of the keen sphinx!
They’ve tried it in Kenya, in Finland, in Canada too.
The city of Oakland might also come through.
Conservatives, though, are not beating a path
To give it a whirl -- they are swooning with wrath.
“There is no free lunch” has been thousands of years
Dinned into peasants and pauper’s sore ears.
But maybe it’s time for all those who won’t spread
humane economics on crow to be fed.