Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Ledes & Limericks. Tuesday January 23 2018

It seems that the dignity’s fled
From newspapers that once had bred
Great awe and esteem --
But now that’s a dream;
The Prez wants them all to drop dead.

The reason Norway is so fit
To live in is the Akvavit.
One bottle guzzled neat each day
And you’re as happy as a jay!

Business Cards Aren’t Dead, They’re Just Getting Weird

Bizness cards are getting strange --
They come is such disturbing range.
A card shaped like banana peel
Would not put over any deal.
But if new bizness you would start
I’d make my cards erotic art.

Gray Water

wind clicks in the brush
gray water so very still 
mountains keep distant

Monday, January 22, 2018

Ledes & Limericks. Monday January 22 2018

Reporters and editors making guesses
at what might happen rather than reporting
what did happen results in what
is typically called speculative journalism.
 From the NYTimes

When journalists go on a binge,
Predicting the news from a twinge,
They’re turning the trade
Into a charade;
No wonder their readers do cringe!

Government Shutdown

Goes Into Monday as

Senate Inches Toward


Our government is shutting down,
The bureaucrats depart --
Without their calculating minds

Perhaps we’ll gain more heart.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Humorous Dictator

A humorous dictator is a thing I like to see.
One who squirts some seltzer on proud Lady Liberty.
He throws a pie at prisoners, and dissidents all find
They’re beat with rubber chickens when in protest they are lined.
He moons the other nations when they sanction his regime;
His jokes are foreign policy and taught in academe.
And when at last he’s led before a firing squad, he grins --

And asks to hear kazoos instead of sobbing violins.

Saturday, January 20, 2018


The sky has come down
To cover branches in lint
To bear silently

Winter Light

The pure winter light
Softens abandoned childhood
Hides the trash they left

Friday, January 19, 2018

Ledes & Limericks. Friday January 19 2018

Trump’s Approval Rating

Slides, but President Gets

Credit for Economy,


The President popular ain’t,
But on the Exchange he’s a saint.
The reason must be
And growing more used to his taint.

Peter Zych replied to this poem in the Wall Street Journal: "Yes Tim.  All of us stock investors are as stupid as rocks but somewhat wealthier recently.  MAGA!"

U.S. Military Escalates

War Efforts in the


Warmongering and Uncle Sam
Are nearly synonymous, ma’am --
So please don’t be riled
That we shot up your child --
As a token of peace, here’s some Spam.

Mathew Zobian replied to this poem in the Wall Street Journal: "What ignorance. Go to these areas, Tim. Learn about the world."

Venezuela’s Oil Production

Is Collapsing

Maduro wants children to know
He’ll feed them as soon as some dough
Is brought in by oil
Sucked up from the soil
As derricks turn into skid row.

Blame Game Begins as

Budget Showdown Looms

in Senate

The Senate is slow to react
To anything based on a fact.
If it is absurd
They’ll act like a herd --
And that’s why the country is wacked.

A Ms Hendley in the Wall Street Journal replied to this limerick: "substitute terd for herd......sounds more appropriate"

and Joseph Miksis also commented in the same paper:  "The lobbyists are the people responsible for the shutdown.  They will be even busier, paying off all the Congressmen and women they have bought to make this shutdown happen."

An Unwelcome Tax

Surprise Could Soon

Lurk in Your Paycheck

 from the Wall Street Journal

Withholding tax isn’t a cinch.
You might get a terrible pinch.
The new taxing laws
Should give us all pause;
The IRS still is a Grinch.

Mention Bitcoin One

More Time And You’re

Sleeping on the Couch

from the Wall Street Journal

I’d rather you went on a drunk,
Than spout anymore bitcoin bunk.
It may be your god --
To me it’s just odd;
Your millions will soon turn to junk!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Like a cord of wood

like a cord of wood that's split
going down into the pit
is the flow of my life force
to a halt abrupt, of course.

yet have I been spared this day
to repent and mend my way,
only if I do not dream
of pulling out another's beam.

finely carved or left to rot
my grain determines quite a lot
until the splinters of my life
are burned away by holy strife. 

Ledes & Limericks. Thursday January 18 2018

Diners are asking for ever hotter dishes, but

restaurants say few can handle the heat;

‘This is not a joke.’  from the Wall Street Journal

When ordering chili to go,
Beware of the peppers they show.
To boast of the fire
You like can be dire --
Capsaicin will make your tongue glow.

Before Eating Schnuddelhong

With Gromperekichelcher,

You Must Pass the


When speaking a language that’s foreign
You mustn’t tell people it’s borin’
Or spritz all about
If there’s an umlaut --
Or else you’ll be treated with scorn.

For These Young Entrepreneurs,

Silicon Valley Is, Like, Lame

The Silicon Valley allure
Is lost on Gen X’ers for sure.
Their praise is frugal
For places like Google;
They’d rather tour Kuala Lumpur.

Federal Climate Experts

Rank Last Year Among

Three Warmest in

Modern Times

There was a young person of Leeds
Whose sweat splashed away in great beads.
Twas not exercise
That made his temp rise --
But mankind’s great sooty misdeeds.

Tide Is Telling People

to Call Poison Control

After Doing the Tide

Pod Challenge

People who swallow Tide pods
Are certainly acting like clods.
Your tongue needs the rinse
Like it needs some raw quince --

You’ll be farting soap bubbles in wads.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

How Donald Trump Has Upstaged U.S. Foreign Policy

‘Topsy turvy’ is the watchword of the new regime;
Working like the Marx Brothers,and not as expert team.
Sowing discord with our friends, and giving foes a pass --
Our foreign policy is now straight through the Looking Glass.

Will we invade Caracas, or put Asia on the spot?
Is Cuba to be downgraded and Pyongyang made too hot?
Insulting Third World countries seems to be the master plan;
Calling it a poop hole doesn’t do much for Bhutan.

Diplomacy by tweeting has replaced the old Detente;
Intelligence is shrinking and good manners are quite gaunt.
Don Rickles would have been at home at any Embassy,

While Russians rig our Facebook news with snide impunity.

Colleges Brace for Tumult

 in 2018 as White Supremacists Demand a Stage

The freedom to say what you please
Belongs to the birds and the bees;
There’s nothing too wrong
With buzz or bird song --
But humans employ too much sleaze.

Arizona’s G.O.P.

Senators Assail Trump

for His Attacks on

the Press

The next endangered species is the journalist, I fear;
She isn’t very likely to survive another year.
Slaughtered by the dozens and detested by most folk,
There’s no one wants to listen to Cassandra's like her croak.

Presidents and dictators revile her occupation,
While penny pinching publishers do plan for her castration.
Bison made a comeback on the brink of their extinction,
But journalists will probably not have such a distinction.

If you’d like to save one in the wild, I recommend
A newspaper subscription for yourself and for a friend.
Otherwise reporters, like the aurochs and the dodo,

Will fold their tents and steal away, and ever be a no show.