Upon the mountains high
God spoke to mild Nephi.
To you and me He speaks
in hearts, not mountain peaks.
No altitude compares
with what the soul declares.
Upon the mountains high
God spoke to mild Nephi.
To you and me He speaks
in hearts, not mountain peaks.
No altitude compares
with what the soul declares.
speedy action from the Congress is unheard of, but/ev'ryone is tired with a leader off his nut/so they find it easier to let him have his way/just to keep the tantrums and the awful tweets away/Romney is no diff'rent; he wants peace and quiet, too/and so he'd put the nomination of a zombie through.
Nicely done. By the way, I haven’t read the news stories about Romney’s capitulation—I mean, agreement to move ahead. But I’m not surprised. My prediction was that he was going to say, “The Constitution clearly indicates that it is the President’s right and responsibility to submit a nomination and the Senate’s duty to consider it and consent or not consent. The Senate should have fulfilled its responsibility in 2016 when they refused even to consider President Obama’s nomination for the Supreme Court. But that failure does not mean we should fail again in our responsibility this year. And so I believe we should move ahead . . . . etc.”
I’ll be interested to see how closely my prediction matches what Romney has actually said.
"I'm the President, and I say we've licked the coronavirus"
"Being a Democrat does make one rather introspective nowadays . . . "
"THIS to your independent judiciary!"
"I just mailed in my ballot -- funny, but the return address was in Russian . . . "
"The Taliban tries a new look."
"Who says the GOP lacks leadership?"
"Yes; I invented the Paleo diet -- I invented ALL diets!"
"Just your typical TikTok stockholder."
"I recycled my Mercedes Benz into this goose -- what have you done to save the planet lately?"
I wish I'd gone to college/and got a good degree/But I am strictly lowbrow/don't know my ABC/I gotta use my fingers/when adding up a bill/For higher education/I never felt a thrill/I write these simple verses/in humble lodgings bare/I'm stupid, unambitious/I'd make a scholar stare/My skill set is so puny/I couldn't get a job/mopping floors or even/turning a door knob/Yet when I think of students/with all their heavy debt/while I don't owe nobody/I guess I've no regret.