Russia is currently fighting more than 170 forest fires in Siberia that have closed airports and roads, forced widespread evacuations, sent a pall of smoke across the North Pole. But it has abandoned dozens more fires covering thousands of square miles, with no effort to fight them.
Siberia is all aflame/ev'ry pine is now fair game/for a charcoal destiny/with drought now reaching apogee.
The temperature does naught but climb/Thermometers work overtime.
The permafrost evaporates/The taiga
has no advocates.
The air is greasy with wood smoke/It's making penguins gag and choke/far off in the bleak arctic wastes/where krill are dying as it bastes.
Poor Mother Russia grows more parched/as forests to their doom are marched/But when you ask an apparatchik/they say life there is a picnic.
I would not be a Gloomy Gus/and hope that if we make a fuss/our leaders East and West will vow/to save the earth, and not the Dow.