Saturday, October 5, 2019

Rhymes from Stories in Today's Washington Post -- A man jumped from the bushes for a birthday surprise. His startled father-in-law fatally shot him. -- A teen pretended to be a cop. A real cop hauled him away. -- Trump takes vulgar swipe at Romney after senator criticizes president’s China, Ukraine appeals.

When jumping from bushes beware
your father-in-law you don't scare.
He might have a rod,
and send you to God,
without enough chance to prepare!


There was a young man who did flop
when he tried to work as a cop.
An officer real
ignored his appeal
and tossed him into a sweatshop.


When presidents want to be crude
they pick on an LDS prude.
So Romney gets cursed
by Trump at his worst --
knowing he'll never be sued.

"There must be better ways to kill time . . . "

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