Wednesday, April 6, 2016

If the Cat in the Hat wore pompoms . . .

From the Wall Street Journal:  "Mrs. Bignelli, as it turns out, was an earlier adopter. Since her nuptials, pompoms have spun from kiddie playrooms and fashion runways to wedding aisles and just about everywhere else. This season, they can be found bobbing about the straps of shoes, clinging to curtain edges and bunched on sweater fronts. Housewares stores are selling pompom trivets.
The look, says Neiman Marcus fashion director Ken Downing, is “kind of groovy granny.” The pompom, he declares, “has become a folkloric flourish.”

If the Cat in the Hat wore pompoms, just where in the heck would we be?

And suppose Leonardo da Vinci had painted his Mona with three?

Did Washington crossing the Delaware have them upon his coat sleeves?

Or what if that wonderful Wodehouse had written them in for poor Jeeves?

The pompom was meant for small children, for toys that are stuffed and all pink;

adults who mess with them are loony, and soon in depravity sink.

If you date a woman with pompoms (I don't mean her physical heft)

she'll shatter your heart in a minute and leave you completely bereft!

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