Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Trump Details Plans to Deport Millions of Immigrants

How quiet now the countryside, how still the urban dust,
As cabbages rot in the fields and Wendy’s turns to rust.
The gabled rooftops in DC, the pools throughout LA,
Decline and are neglected till they fall in grim decay.
The lawns become a jungle, full of bugs and randy weeds;
The trash is overflowing as the desolation breeds.
Across the land the factories that gave us beef and pork,
That render all those chicken parts, are silent as a cork.
Those small towns in the Midwest where new life had come again
Relapse into decrepitude with barely an ‘amen.’
The doctors and the scientists that have exotic roots
Decamp in indignation, and shake our dust off of their boots.
America at last is done with immigration woes;
We’ve cut their face off finally -- and just to spite our nose.

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