Sunday, July 3, 2022

Circus Memories: And now for something patriotic.



this is what i said in fast & testimony meeting today, but greatly expanded.

fifty years ago God blessed me with the most wonderful job in the world. i was a clown with ringling brothers circus. it was the biggest show there was. we had over a thousand performers. many of them came from behind the iron curtain. you remember the iron curtain? countries like poland and hungary were controlled by russia -- nobody got in or out without their say-so. a lot of the best circus schools were behind the iron curtain so we had a swede named trolle rhodein who went over to those countries to look over the talent and bribe the government to let an outstanding troupe of acrobats or jugglers spend a season in the united states. but those cagey iron curtain governments made sure that each group that came over here left behind a hostage -- grandparents, a kid, or even a spouse. that was to insure they would return behind the iron curtain when their tour was done and not seek asylum with uncle sam. which they all wanted to do. those iron curtain performers loved america better than i did.

i was just an 18 year old punk back then, and had never thought too much about the blessing of living in a free land like the usa. in fact, while i was a senior in high school i had contacted an anti-war group and got a bus ticket to canada, in case my draft number was too low and they called me up. no way was i going to vietnam.

luckily my draft number was very high so i was never called up. instead i got to join the circus as a first of may -- a first year clown.

so one day in clown alley mac the bus driver came by to deliver the mail. he got paid five dollars extra a week for stopping by the local post office to pick up any general delivery mail for performers. one of the clowns got a love letter from the irs -- telling him he owed a bunch of back taxes. he didn't take that well. he began ranting and raving, cursing the president and congress and vowing to never ever pay one red cent to the crummy corrupt government which was full of crooks and blankity-blank mother lovers. 

just then stancho, a bulgarian acrobat, was walking by clown alley (which was cordoned off from the hallway by nothing more than cheap blue cotton curtains) and heard this clown blow his top. Stancho burst into clown alley and picked up the cursing clown right off his feet.  need i mention that stancho was a big husky fellow? anyway, he shook that frightened clown like a rag doll, all the while saying in broken english: "you shut up your face! america is great place! lots good things here for you and you free to go where you want, do any what you want. not me! i got to go back to stinking bulgaria and those curvas (a nasty russian obscenity) and listen to them barking at me! you shut up and be glad you here, not in bulgaria!"

my clown compatriot quickly settled down and begged stancho's pardon. otherwise i think stancho would have punched his head down into his shoulders.

but that got me thinking about my country. and i've been thinking about it ever since. and this much i can tell you (remember that this is fast & testimony meeting);  Jesus Christ is lord and master of the whole earth, but he has a special interest in our land. it says so in the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants. when he comes back to rule and reign he will come back to this country, this land of ours, to begin his millennial administration. until then his prophets speak for him, and we'd better listen to them or we're liable to be picked up and shaken like a rag doll ourselves!  Amen.

(BTW: stancho did get to stay in america. he was corresponding with a lady pig farmer in iowa and when the show played des moines he took off, found her amidst the sows and slop, and began pitching woo. they were married in a few weeks. stancho quit the show, studied for his citizenship test, and passed with flying colors. you never saw a man so happy to be standing knee deep in pig shit. american pig shit.)

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