Saturday, December 17, 2022

A Slow Saturday. December 17th. 2022.

 it's a slow saturday, by golly.

i slipped on the ice at the provo rec center last thursday. went down wrong on my right leg and it's been bothering me ever since. we canceled our thursday afternoon temple appointment and we skipped the rec center yesterday, friday. just stayed in, since it never got above 17 degrees. boy, did we watch a lot of movies! none of them very good. the last two nights i've gone to bed at 9:30, out of plain boredom. your mother is having her troubles, too. she's got conjunctivitis bad in her left eye. she's been treating it herself but it's not getting any better. so we'll go see the doc on Monday. we did go back to the rec center this morning. early. 5:30 a.m.  neither one of us could sleep much last night. after we got back i made fried potatoes, sausage, and cheese quesadillas for anyone who wanted to show up at 8:30 in the morning -- which turned out to be 3 people. then we sat in our recliners for a few hours. i worked on some rewrites for adam while amy snoozed away. i also wrote a poem this morning, based on Proverbs 23:23 --

The truth will forever abide.
God keeps it at his side.
Men may rage
and lies engage;
but light will override.
your mother suggested i unload all the leftovers in the fridge for lunch today, so we reheated week old shredded pork, four day old grits, and a can of chili beans in a pan, and called it Bargain Basement Stew. Surprisingly, enough people stopped by to eat it all gone.  We continue to work together on 30 second videos that garner about a hundred viewers each. here are two links, if you care to watch 'em:
i'll only inflict one more poem from this past week on you:
The Lapps keep herds of reindeer;
I think they are nomadic.
Cuz when I look for reindeer steaks
they seem to be sporadic.
I wonder if dear Santa
would actually grieve
if I asked for one of his
to roast on Xma eve?
your mother is just now (1:32 p.m. mst) hanging a xmas wreath on our door. i should get up to help but my leg is aching like someone is pounding on it with a mallet. as Dr. Smith says in the original lost in space -- 'oh, the pain, the pain!"  my mistake -- she's vacuuming, not hanging up the wreath.  since we haven't found anything to replace binge watching the blacklist we are going retro, watching lost in space and leave it to beaver and the wild wild west. pretty soon we'll be reduced to gazing at bewitched and F Troop on the big screen while drooling.  i have finally concocted a snack/meal that is inexpensive and that i can eat anytime with a great deal of relish.  what i do is take a can of black beans, rinse 'em, put 'em in a bowl, add some diced onions, a can of ro-tel diced tomatoes with jalapeno peppers, some kalamata olives, a sliced cuke, some capers, and then sprinkle it with red wine vinegar, lemon juice, and liquid smoke. add a pinch of salt and pepper, a squirt of salad oil, and mix it all up. i don't refrigerate it -- i just snack on it all day. eat it with a toasted bagel & cream cheese in the morning, have it over my salad at lunch, and snack on it again at dinner with my ramen noodles.  i've been doing this for a whole week and so far i haven't gotten tired of it. it's my new go-to food, replacing sardines and pickled herring.   we went shopping this morning at Smith's so amy could get a new pair of yellow rubber gloves to wash dishes with, and do you know a dozen eggs now costs over six dollars? Yikes! so i've decided we are going to stop using eggs. well, i'll stop using 'em. your mother will continue to get the expensive organic range free eggs she has always gotten. i'm going to have tofu instead of eggs from now on. much cheaper.  darned if i can think of very much that has happened to us this week, or anything out of the ordinary that we initiated ourselves. we got a nice xmas card from daughter virginia. and really, i think that's the highlight of the whole week. your mother starts work at H&R block in 2 weeks. she has to drive to springville to work several days a week.   Honestly, i think i could go to bed right now and sleep through the rest of the day and most of the night. i just took a big dose of aspirin.  except they're having pizza in the community room tonight at 7pm. don't want to miss that. amy is making an apple crisp for the event. or rather, she put it together and i have to put it in the oven. oh, yeah, one good movie we saw yesterday was The Seven Little Foys with bob hope. in it he gets to dance with jimmy cagney. it's a showbiz movie, and i always like those.  okay. i'm taking a drink of lemonade and then tilting the recliner back, covering my face with a bandana, and dreaming of owning a condo on the beach in hawaii.  poi, anyone?

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