Wednesday, September 20, 2017

It's Document Hunting Season in Washington D.C.

WASHINGTON — Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, has asked the White House for documents about some of President Trump’s most scrutinized actions since taking office, including the firing of his national security adviser and F.B.I. director, according to White House officials.  from the NYTimes

The document season has started again.
They’re hunting for paper from here to Phnom Penh.
The weather is good for the stalking of sheets,
Off in its den under desks, on the streets.

Of course nowadays many documents hide
In cyberspace lairs where time it can bide.
But hunters like Robert S. Mueller can find
Tracks where all others are equally blind.

He sniffs out their meetings, their memos, their notes;
He’s stalking emails and off the record wild quotes.
Relentlessly zeroing in on his foe,
He cares not who gets in his way, fast or slow.

He even speaks Russian, the better to hunt
Siberian bears who do nothing but grunt.
And buzzards who soar round the Tower of Trump
Will find he can shoot ‘em down, right on their rump!

The season is open, the stakes have gone high,
As Mueller takes aim at each Beltway wiseguy.
Don’t try deleting your own paper trail --

Or Mueller will make sure you never make bail!

Handling Travel Stress with Essential Oils

When it comes to packing a carry-on, there are some must-have accessories you know better than to forget: headphones, a phone charger, and a cozy cardigan for those cold cabins. But if you’re not using them already, it might be time to add essential oils to that list.
Whether you’re afraid of flying, hate waiting in long lines at TSA, or have trouble adjusting to the discomforts of tiny airplane seats, there’s an essential oil combo that can solve your woes. A few drops from the tiny vials can feel like a double espresso shot, a trip to a masseuse, or a session with your facialist since essential oils are especially suited to fight the stress, fatigue, and pain associated with hitting the road.
Amy Galper, a certified aromatherapist at the New York Institute of Aromatherapy, keeps seven oils within reach when she travels. “If I have trouble sleeping, I’m in a new place, or my mind is wandering, I find that frankincense, lavender, and chamomile totally black me out,” she says.
For those who can’t handle hearing the words “unexpected turbulence,” Galper recommends sandalwood, lavender, or frankincense to calm any jitters. And if you’re stuck in a middle seat on that eight-hour flight (with the person in front of you fully reclined), try frankincense, helichrysum, and pink-grapefruit oils—particularly on your lower back and neck—when you get stiff. Your travel-related headaches aren’t limited to unforeseen flight delays? Massage lavender or rosemary on your scalp to temper the altitude discomfort.

See? There’s an oil for every travel woe. And you’re about to be the coolest customer on any plane.

Learn more about the benefits of essential oils from doTERRA Health Advocate Amy Snyder at 

Foxconn and Wisconsin

“Before the Chinese manufacturing giant foxconn pledged to spend ten billion dollars and create thirteen thousand jobs in Wisconsin, the company made a similar promise in Brazil.
Six years later, Brazil is still waiting for most of those jobs to materialize.”
From the NYTimes. September 20. 2017.

Once upon a time up in Wisconsin people dwelt
Amidst the pinewood forests in a happiness heartfelt.
There was cheese and sausage in abundance -- polka too!
Ev’ryone was prosperous and paddled a canoe.

Then one day a coterie from far across the sea
Crept into the state for mischief making (wait and see!)
Like morning glories twined around an unresisting plant,
They squeezed the politicians with their optimistic chant:

“Your fair state does intrigue us; we would like to make a deal.
We’ll give you jobs and money and a tax base that’s unreal.
Just give us land and subsidies; keep unions far away,
Your Badger State will then enjoy an unbroken payday!”

The burgomeisters dithered -- could they get a guarantee
That this here foreign outfit would deliver faithfully?
“How can you doubt our motives?” they were asked in sad despair.
“Have we not brought this blessing to assorted lands so fair?”

“The Nizam of Hyperbole gave us a building site,
And now his people cry our name out all the day and night.
Down where the Brazil nuts grow we promised wealth untold,
And all the jolly people there now go out panning gold.”

Benching better judgement, all the leaders did concur
That they would trust a miracle to suddenly occur.
The gates were thrown wide open and the coterie began
Cutting trees and hauling rock (in charge of a kinsman.)

The countryside was ravished and the taxpayers were bled,
While the coterie built nothing but a dinky little shed.
And as for jobs created for Wisconsin hoi polloi,
They never even hired just one lousy office boy!

After many years and many dollars had gone by,
The politicians finally saw who was the big fall guy.
They demanded punishment for all those bright pipe dreams
That caused all of their people to rely upon moonbeams.

By then that coterie of fiends had fled back overseas
With nothing left behind besides a pair of broken skis.
There wasn’t anyone to blame  for all this shocking madness --
Except themselves, the politicians knew with growing sadness.

Up there in Wisconsin people still fry up fresh smelt.
But in their heart of hearts all of their hopes already melt.
Whenever someone promises to increase their income,
They slap on lots of tar and fluff and then yell: “Kill the bum!”

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Best Essential Oils for Menstrual Cramps

  • "Lavender oil used as an inhalation has been shown to effectively reduce cramps and menstrual bleeding when compared to a placebo," shares Jennifer Stagg, MD, a naturopathic physician. "Lavender is thought to effect the prostaglandins that mediate pain and uterine contractions." Lavender oil's ability to lessen contractions makes it one of the best essential oils for menstrual cramps. 
  • "Cinnamon oil alone has been studied as a treatment for menstrual cramps, and was found to be very effective at reducing uterine contractions," explains Dr. Stagg.
  • "A blend of essential oils of lavender, clove, cinnamon, and rose was studied as a topical oil applied to the abdomen for seven days prior to menstruation, and was found to reduce the amount of pain and duration of cramps and even the amount of menstrual bleeding when compared to a placebo group," says Dr. Stagg. She suggests these essential oils for cramps because they may balance prostaglandin levels to ease pain.
  • Clary sage is one of the most popular essential oils for menstrual cramps because it's easily found and widely believed to be an antispasmodic agent, meaning it reduces spasms, like the ones your uterus may be experiencing. Still unsure about essential oils? 
  • Of all the essential oils for cramps, frankincense probably evokes the most festive flair thanks to the scent also being popular at holiday times. Frankincense can be used in a warm bath, diffuser, or applied topically when diluted with other oils to help relieve pain associated with inflammation. These surprising frankincense benefits will get you excited about trying the oil on for size.
  • Ylang ylang oil is regarded as a mood enhancer, PMS-calmer, and mild sedative to help take the edge of pain associated with cramping. It also is thought to fight anxiety, which is a kind of welcome bonus when you're already uncomfortable. Here are some other essential oils that help fight anxiety.

Learn more about the benefits of essential oils from doTERRA Health Advocate Amy Snyder at 

Saint Claire Broiler to Close

The St. Clair Broiler was the spot I took my high school flame.
We’d share a malted milk while playing at the mating game.
A reuben or a rachel, or a country club on rye,
Would guarantee a kiss or two when no one was nearby.

And after I was married we’d go out on Friday nights
To the St. Clair Broiler to conduct our weekly fights.
For she would have the walleye, while I said the tuna melt
Was better for our budget and would also keep her svelte.

Now we are grandparents and do not fuss much anymore.
She orders the shrimp basket and a frickle, por favor.
I give the grand kids burgers with those greasy brown french fries,

And settle for a salad so my blood pressure don’t rise.

Minnesota Government on Verge of Winter Shut Down

The Minnesota Legislature will have to start furloughing employees in December and completely shut down by February, unless there’s a resolution to the monthslong political and legal conflict between Gov. Mark Dayton and legislative leaders.  from the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

The Minnesota government will shut down very soon.
It’s enough to make me cry and go into a swoon!
How can snow for skiing be created without some
Bureaucrat who snow-jobs while he sits upon his bum?

No lutefisk or lefse will be processed by the state --
Which means church basement suppers will now meet an awful fate!
And skating rinks will close because of some line item veto --
And will the Winter Carnival be forced to really eat crow?

The roads will not be plowed and with no license for ice fishing
No eel pouts will be caught, filleted, and fried up for the dishing.
If the legislature and the Governor must feud,

I say we dump ‘em in a lake without an Evinrude.

Toys ‘R’ Us Files for Bankruptcy, Disabled by Competition and Debt

The biggest toy store in the land is gone for good, they say.
So Ken and Barbie homeless are -- they have no place to stay.
The Legoes scattered like dry leaves upon the winter gale.
Slinkies left to rust away and train sets off the rail.

Where oh where are Power Wheels, and what’s become of Nerf?
They’ve hit the road like hoboes, pal -- along with Papa Smurf!
Teddy Ruxpin panhandles out on the streets so mean;
And Boardwalk in Monopoly is looking mighty lean.

So many shiftless toys about, unbought, unloved, unused --
It won’t be long before they think they have been much abused.
They’ll march on Washington D.C., demanding compensation.

(And Toys for Tots will scoop them up as this year’s prime donation.)

Monday, September 18, 2017

Let's All Move to Florida!

Florida is no longer the swampy backwater it once was. It is the nation’s third most populous state, with 21 million people, jutting out precariously into the heart of hurricane alley, amid rising seas, at a time when warming waters have the potential to bring ever stronger storms. And compared with the 1920s, when soggy land was sold by mail, the risks of building here are far better known today. Yet newcomers still flock in and buildings still rise, with everyone seemingly content to double down on a dubious hand.
from the NYTimes

In Florida the oranges are sweet as apple pie,
And you can always grab one when a hurricane roars by.
Just wait until the rainfall and the floods begin to sluice --
And citrus trees will float by for your morning orange juice!

A beach house would be pleasant, and the tide will not be long
In cleaning out your basement while you sing a happy song.
If you’re very lucky you might find an alligator
In your pool (or is that just a brand new sinkhole crater?)

Of course a house is pricey in that land of milk and honey.
And buying good insurance costs an awful lot of money.
But Disney World is down the road (which often is congested)
And if your color’s off, why then you just might be arrested.

Ricky Scott is Governor, and he won’t interfere
With chewing up the wetlands for a new condo premier.
So settle back and get some sun, while manatees are slaughtered,

And rest assured your lawn will never lack from being watered!

High Prescription Prices Bring Back the Quacksalver

This much is clear: The public is angry about the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs. Surveys have shown that high drug prices rank near the top of consumers’ health care concerns, and politicians in both parties — including President Trump — have vowed to do something about it.  from the NYTimes. 

Way beyond the cloud banks, where the sun and stars cavort,
The spirits of all charlatans have found a last resort.
They look down on this teeming globe, remembering the time
When they could sell their nostrums and it wasn’t any crime.

P.T. Barnum floats up there, Lydia Pinkham too.
If you listen carefully, here’s what they’re telling you:
The days of snake oil have come back, we’re very glad to see.
Prescription drugs are dangerous, and pricey as can be.

Those with only slender means and mounting doctor bills
Are turning back to gulping Carter’s Little Liver Pills.
Serutan and Geritol are riding high again --
Why not try some Sagwa, if you really have the yen?

Those supplemental nutrients we’ve heard so much about,
Which never have been tested, are just the thing for gout.
Why listen to your doctor or Big Pharma, when with ease
You can swallow swamp root for just any old disease?

We know it’s all unproven, but a kindly grifter who
Gives you tea and sympathy can sell you any goo.
We love the word ‘alternative’ when medicine’s involved.
You can buy it cheaply -- and your ills are quickly solved!

There’s one born ev’ry minute still, down where the fields are ripe,
And if it is ‘organic’ it can use all kinds of tripe.
So go upon the Internet and find yourself a cure --

And you will soon be joining us, up where the air is pure!

Cooking with Essential Oils

When cooking at home, many favorite recipes can contain essential ingredients — you know, those items that make or break a recipe with either their addition or subtraction.
Chef Greg Prososki faces the same issue as he prepares menu items for 500 to 600 people daily, except his indispensable ingredients are more often than not a variety of essential oils.
That’s because Prososki is the corporate chef at Cafe TERRA, the in-house restaurant at doTERRA’s global headquarters in Pleasant Grove.
“A lot of people ask me about recipes with oils,” Prososki said during a recent visit to Cafe TERRA. “I always ask, ‘What is your favorite recipe?’ Then you can add an appropriate oil (to that).”
Cafe TERRA serves breakfast and lunch five days a week — and as one might imagine, the smoothies, in all their varieties, are a favorite option.
“We go through 800 pounds of ice for a single day,” Prososki said.
Prososki offered a few tips. First take note of the concentrated nature of the oils — and the overall strength of the oil flavor itself.
“There can be a few drawbacks because of concentrations,” he said, especially when it comes to oils like oregano and cilantro. A few extra drops of lemon, for example, likely would not alter a recipe drastically. Too much oregano, however, would be a much different quandary.
Prososki, for example, cited one example where an employee added too much oregano to a smaller sauce recipe. They ended up having to turn it into a 10-gallon batch to get the oregano balance correct.
When adding stronger oils to smaller recipes, Prososki advised dipping a toothpick in the oil bottle first and then swirling the pick around in the recipe mixture. That will help prevent the oil from overpowering everything else.
The No. 1 favorite menu item at Cafe Terra? That would be the Teriyaki Chicken. Another favorite is Thai Basil Chicken.
“This morning we cooked 40 pounds of chicken just for one day,” Prososki said.
This brings up another preparation tip. When it comes to adding essential oil to a recipe, later is better.
“When cooking, you want to add it absolutely last,” Prososki said. “So that it’s in (the mixture) the least amount of time, so it has the most flavor.”
Those ready to begin experimenting at home with essential oils can do so in several different ways. First, there are general recipes online. Second, you can check out doTERRA-specific recipes at
If you want to get a personal taste test before going your own route, then you might consider stopping by Cafe TERRA. It may primarily serve employees of the company, but it is also open to the public. The restaurant has been such a popular addition to the company’s headquarters, that it was also scheduled to undergo an expansion facelift this fall.

Contact Wellness Advocate Amy Snyder for more information at