Monday, September 18, 2017

High Prescription Prices Bring Back the Quacksalver

This much is clear: The public is angry about the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs. Surveys have shown that high drug prices rank near the top of consumers’ health care concerns, and politicians in both parties — including President Trump — have vowed to do something about it.  from the NYTimes. 

Way beyond the cloud banks, where the sun and stars cavort,
The spirits of all charlatans have found a last resort.
They look down on this teeming globe, remembering the time
When they could sell their nostrums and it wasn’t any crime.

P.T. Barnum floats up there, Lydia Pinkham too.
If you listen carefully, here’s what they’re telling you:
The days of snake oil have come back, we’re very glad to see.
Prescription drugs are dangerous, and pricey as can be.

Those with only slender means and mounting doctor bills
Are turning back to gulping Carter’s Little Liver Pills.
Serutan and Geritol are riding high again --
Why not try some Sagwa, if you really have the yen?

Those supplemental nutrients we’ve heard so much about,
Which never have been tested, are just the thing for gout.
Why listen to your doctor or Big Pharma, when with ease
You can swallow swamp root for just any old disease?

We know it’s all unproven, but a kindly grifter who
Gives you tea and sympathy can sell you any goo.
We love the word ‘alternative’ when medicine’s involved.
You can buy it cheaply -- and your ills are quickly solved!

There’s one born ev’ry minute still, down where the fields are ripe,
And if it is ‘organic’ it can use all kinds of tripe.
So go upon the Internet and find yourself a cure --

And you will soon be joining us, up where the air is pure!

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