Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Tale of Benny the Pauper

WASHINGTON — The tax plan that the Trump administration outlined on Wednesday is a potentially huge windfall for the wealthiest Americans. It would not directly benefit the bottom third of the population. As for the middle class, the benefits appear to be modest.  from the NYTimes. 

Benny was a pauper who lived in a drafty shack;
He ate but very little and a mattress he did lack.
He worked for meager wages and no benefits had he;
But as a true American he’s happy as can be.

Because he knows that money cankers souls and causes grief;
And that the struggle of the poor brings blessings by the sheaf.
So when he heard that taxes for the rich would be decreased
He felt a swelling in his heart like dough with lots of yeast.

He hoped that the economy would now recover quick,
And that the banks and Wall Street would soon really start to click.
To celebrate this milestone in the history of man
He splurged upon tomato soup, and had a second can!

We all should be like Benny, never counting our own gain --
But thinking of the money market crowd and their great strain.
The Bible says that Caesar always must get his own due;

So let’s all pay our taxes like we’re eating honeydew!  

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