Don’t posthumous Mormon
baptisms = religious freedom?
It’s good that people have a choice
After death has stilled their voice.
When I am laid out stiff and cold
I like the thought I can be polled
And make decisions that on earth
Were denied by chance or birth.
It shows that God is really just;
my talks with Him will be robust!
Iranian Antigovernment Protesters
Demand End to Regime,
Khamenei’s Rule
The protestors there in Iran
Would fight with a leaky bedpan
To free themselves from
Khamenei -- the bum.
I hope they succeed with their plan!
With material tents forbidden on the streets of Brussels,
homeless people in the Belgian capital are often
left without a safe place to sleep. But one entrepreneur
seems to have found a way around the rule:
origami-style cardboard tents.
In Brussels the homeless are kept
In cardboard that’s been special prepped
To keep out the chill
And give a slight thrill
To tourists who watch as it’s swept.