WASHINGTON— Bowing to bipartisan pressure in Congress, the Trump administration said it would release the names of borrowers who received Paycheck Protection Program loans of $150,000 or more, accounting for about 75% of funds lent through the program.
The times were troubled and impure,
and biznesses were left unsure
if they could operate at all
as they did slow down to a crawl.
They let all their employees go
and sent their files to Kokomo
(for Kokomo was haven to
great shredding sheds that smelled of glue.)
The breadlines went so long that folks
boiled bark and twigs from nearby oaks
and fed it to their children till
they grew acorns and got quite ill.
At this point good old Uncle Sam
decided on a bold program:
He'd give each bizness such a loan
as would increase testosterone.
The hope was that with money flush
employees back to work could rush
and win a paycheck once again --
to which employers said 'amen.'
And so the PPP was born,
to give out money like popcorn.
Each bizness drooping in the land
was given many thousand grand.
But strange to say, with all that dough,
most workers stayed on long furlough;
they weren't brought back, or if they were
they only worked part time for sure.
Cuz corporations filled with bloat
did pile aboard this gravy boat.
They used the money to reward
themselves, and workers stayed ignored.
The Treasury Department knew
that somehow they had got the screw.
But sitting still on their behind
did give them grateful peace of mind.
Mnuchin and his canny crew
refused to say how much or who
was getting all the loot to spend;
full privacy they did defend.
But Congress, roused from their torpor,
sat up and gave out with a roar:
"We wanna know who got the cash!"
"In case their heads we'd like to bash."
And did Mnuchin cave right in,
and all the info quick unpin?
I think you know the answer, chum;
he's keeping things completely mum.
"Someday" he promises with ease,
"We will release all dates and fees."
"But until then we must protect"
"the data -- have it double checked."
So if you really wanna know
who got all Uncle Sam's nice dough
the only tip you ought to take
is go and jump into the lake . . .