Saturday, June 27, 2020

Timericks from stories by Veronica Dagher, Bruce Veldhuisen, Alex Janney, Matt Richtel, and Maria Cramer.

The Provo Museum of Mail Art is moving to new quarters in Ban Phe, Thailand.

How to Rethink Your Budget With Just One Income.

One-income fam'lies are the drift/as ev'ryone must practice thrift/Cuz jobs have gone right down the drain/and are not coming back again/I think the dads should be the ones/who stay home making sticky buns/They'll teach the kids proficiency/in snacking while they watch TV.

Going Up? Not So Fast: Strict New Rules to Govern Elevator Culture.

Elevators simply breed/virus like a common weed/I will not take them up or down/I'd rather meet a scary clown/I'll wheeze a bit upon the stairs/Please notify prospective heirs.

Is It Safe to Go Back to the Dentist?

Is it safe to go back to the Dentist?
I've never heard such a remark!
You think going off to the Dentist
is just a snug walk in the park?
Their tools are a chamber of horrors;
their smile is a false as a croc's.
When digging around your own pearlies,
you feel it right down to your socks.
I welcome pandemical reasons
to put off my next interview.
My mouth will not be their arena
to show off their darn jujitsu!  

The language of friends.

 Then Jared said unto his brother: Cry again unto the Lord, and it may be that he will turn away his anger from them who are our friends, that he confound not their language.
Ether 1:36

I find the language of a friend
is dulcet and does not offend.
Yet I remember all too well
in former days when it so fell
that I preferred to fuss and fight
and confound those who loved me tight.
And so I lost a friend or too,
and now I'm old and feeling blue.
God give me now a tongue so plain
that it will not cause grief again!

Friday, June 26, 2020


Passion is a suspect word for me. I equate it with ‘obsession,’ which is a characteristic I possess, or that possesses me, and has caused me huge problems in the past, and, I’m afraid, will cause me more problems in the future.
When I hooked up with Joom I felt very ‘passionate’ about her -- I willingly volunteered to give her a third of my monthly salary for her truck payments. Of course, she drove me around, but still -- that was a lot of money and I had to go without some of the things that would have made my stay in Thailand much easier. For instance, I could have been paying more on my child support and so been able to get my passport renewed when it expired. I could have traveled more and probably met a nicer Thai woman, a Church member maybe, who would have worked with me in actually getting married instead of just wanting to live together so she could be free to move on when my money ran out. There were times when I was with Joom that I felt very strongly that she was all wrong for me, that I needed to ‘escape’ from her and reclaim my own life -- but then she’d go down to the beach to dig up clams to grill on a cheap little Hibachi for us and afterwards spend the evening cuddled up with me while we watched some incomprehensible Thai soap operas on TV -- and I’d forget all about her bad temper and drinking and parasitic family that always wanted money from me. When she was kind and affectionate my passion for her flamed like a rocket engine -- but it never lasted; she’d get moody and demanding, and even refuse to give me any more rides in her truck because, she said, I was too fat and wore out the tires too quick. In some sick way I actually enjoyed her abuse -- it seemed better than the total void I had lived in without anyone to love emotionally and physically.
That’s what comes to mind when I read your email about ‘passion.’

I believe I am actually very passionate about making money with my postcards and writing. I often daydream that Trump will tweet about the postcards he gets from me and suddenly all my postcards will become collector’s items -- people will start paying thousands of dollars for them. I also daydream that some bigtime editor at the NYT will beg me to start writing a daily poem for them and offer to pay me beau coup bucks. Then I’ll move into a two-bedroom condo down in St George, with an indoor swimming pool, and have the grandkids down every weekend for pool parties with scads of delivery pizza.
Because it chafes me to have so much ambition and activity that isn’t making me any income, I choose to pretend that I don’t care, that I’m disinterested about making money -- I am just ‘following my bliss’ for purely artistic reasons. But sometimes the frustration bubbles over. Life is very sour and bitter during those moments. But it always ends with me beginning to chuckle about the whole setup  -- an old clown like me being treated like a literary somebody by reporters and friends. Pulling the wool over their eyes! I just string words together like beads from a hobby kit.
Ridi, Pagliaccio!
I’m writing this email in dribs and drabs, as I watch Star Trek The Next Generation on Netflix. I’ll watch ten minutes of an episode, then pause it, then write a paragraph here, and then unpause the episode for another ten minutes, etc. It’s a good way to kill the evening, until I feel tired enough to go take a shower and read myself to sleep.
I should just shut off the boob tube and read all evening. I have a good travel book on my Kindle, written back in the 1930’s, by a snooty Englishman riding a horse through Persia and Afghanistan, plus I have the whole Lord of the Rings on my Kindle. Maybe when I finish this overlong email to you I’ll kill Netflix and rejoin Frodo and Gandalf. 

Endlessly walking. There are so many of the older residents who wander the halls, haunt the sidewalks out front. I can see them through my patio window. Hear them at night in the halls. Endlessly walking. Endlessly stoically crawling like slugs, waiting for something, anything, to happen. A rainbow, maybe. A meteor out of the sky. A squirrel climbing down from a tree branch. A mushroom in the front lawn. The sun to set. The mountains to float away. The carpet to unravel. Death to playfully tap them on the shoulder. Or just a good belch. Everyone here has given up fighting their fate, including me. We are all waiting in our tiny boxes, walking in shoddy slippers down shoddy halls trying to understand how our shoddy lives brought us here. 
I’ll feel better in the morning, after I have a bowel movement.   

Photo Essay: Postcards to my favorite Reporters. Vol. 3

To:  Andrew van Dam.  WaPo.

To:  Jennifer Graham. Deseret News.

To:  Corey Kilgannon. NYT.

To:  Talal Unsari.  WSJ.

Timericks from stories by Talal Ansari, Terry Teachout, Aaron Blake, and N'dea Yancey.

Tim Torkildson, creator of the 'timerick,' and all around mensch.

Texas Governor Rolls Back Reopening as U.S. Virus Cases Hit Record.

The governor of Texas is in quite a pretty pickle/Coronavirus cases are no longer just a trickle/He's shutting down the state again to impede further illness/Constituents don't care to go back to that awful stillness/The Gov can either plump for health or let all bizness thrive/the problem is that if he caves there's no one left alive.

What makes a summer movie?

What makes a summer movie is a monster in the lake/or a clutch of aliens with bug eyes not too fake/There must be lots comedy, and just a pinch of sex/with nothing too cerebral that our puny minds would vex/Stir it all together with a box of Raisinets/Then keep the Coke a-flowin' and I'll have no vain regrets.

The 11 most logical picks for Joe Biden’s vice president, ranked.

I think Joe Biden ought to see/that I would make a great VP/I'm honest as the day is long/I've never even touched a bong/I'm liberal but not too crazed/and Elon Musk leaves me unfazed/So Joe why not give me a whirl/oh wait -- he can't -- I'm not a girl!

A very smelly durian fruit sent six people 
to the hospital and caused a post office
 to evacuate.

A durian ripe on the tree/is nearly a grave felony/
Don't bring it indoors/You may soil your drawers/
It crawls up your nose like a flea!

A language pure and undefiled

And by them their children were taught to read and write, having a language which was pure and undefiled.
Moses 6:6

May my language never sink
to the level of a stink
in the nostrils of the Lord,
but remain of fair accord.
 What is written, what is spoke,
can the Spirit boost or choke --
Sequester me, O Lord, I pray
from the filth that's spread each day!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Photo Essay: Postcards to President Donald Trump, and other Persons of Interest.

To:  President Donald Trump

To:  Reporter Andrew Ackerman.  WSJ

To:  Reporter Bob Davis. WSJ.

My statue of Ole Bull

In the summer of 1969 I discovered a statue of my ancestor, Ole Bull, in Loring Park. I was in high school, taking a summer acting class at the nearby Minneapolis Guthrie Theater, and we often went to Loring park for fencing lessons in the great outdoors. Bull swaying on his plinth was a figure ripe for the mocking, until I casually mentioned to my dad that there was a funny old Norwegian statue in Loring Park.
“You mean Ole Bull?” he said.
“Yeah, maybe” I replied, with a teenager’s habitual reluctance to reveal anything at all to a parent.
“We’re related to him,” he announced, puffing importantly on his Salem cigarette.
“How?” I couldn’t help asking.
“Oh, your Grandma Lena is his cousin a few times removed” he replied. “He gave money to poor Norskis like us back a hunnerd years ago that he made playing’ his fiddle.” A calculating look came into his eyes. “Mebbe he’s set up a foundation for Norwegians or something -- you should check it out to get something for college, cuz I ain’t gonna send you there -- that’s for damn sure. No hard feelings.”
None taken. I didn’t plan on going to college anyways -- I had in mind a jaunt out to California to become an international movie star, or, lacking that, a concupiscent pool boy for Ann-Margret.
The next time class was held out by Bull’s statue I grandly informed my fellow thespians that Ole was a dear departed relative of mine, and that undoubtedly part of his millions would be given to me as a grant or an outright gift by a grateful and generous committee -- something along the lines of a Nobel Prize. 
I was immediately hooted down as a pretentious nincompoop, so, in an artistic huff, I dropped the subject with them completely -- the acne-riddled philistines.
But I developed an obsessive, if silent, respect for Ole Bull. I read up on him at the public library. He was considered a rival of Paganini. And Franz Liszt was one of his biggest fans. Plus he married a buxom teenage bride when he was old enough to be her grandfather. He was quite the guy. Quite the wealthy guy. Generous, too. He bought a whole state park and gave it to Pennsylvania, or at least it turned into a state park after he couldn’t make it go as a farm. 
My loyalty to cousin Ole was put to the test in August, when our acting class ended and we had a little party at the Guthrie that featured a chaste selection of Hostess cupcakes and lukewarm RC cola. The after party was held, unbeknownst to our instructors, at Loring Park, and it featured several styrofoam coolers filled with Hamm’s beer. Our debauch had not proceeded very long before several of the more beefier class specimens decided they would have to relieve themselves -- and would do so around the statue of Ole Bull.
“This cannot be!” I told them righteously (or words to that effect -- my memory is a bit muzzy on the subject, since I’d had a few Hamms myself.)
“Aw, gwan, beat it!” was their reply. 
I stood in their way, barring the path to my noble kinsman. They had no trouble knocking me down and stepping on me on their way to do the evil deed.
And I never found any groups or committees that would give away any of Ole Bull’s money. I had taken a beating for nothing. So I was forced to do yard work around my neighborhood and then said to hell with it and hitchhiked to Florida to join the circus.
So Ole Bull can kiss my F Holes . . . 

Timericks from stories by Erica Werner, Juliet Eilperin, Louise Radnofsky, and Coulter Jones.

Tim Torkildson, creator of the 'timerick' and the chocolate-covered weasel.

Treasury sent more than 1 million coronavirus stimulus payments to dead people, congressional watchdog finds.  The checks sent to dead people as of April 30 totaled nearly $1.4 billion, according to the Government Accountability Office.

Congrats if you're already dead/because you are money ahead/The IRS wreck/has sent you a check/So now your white wings you can spread!

Trump is headlining fireworks at Mount Rushmore. Experts worry two things could spread: virus and wildfire.

The Prez is a fireworks freak/they go off because he will speak/A rally he's stagin'/that offers contagion/to those with a mind that is weak.

Many Minnesota Police Officers Remain on the Force Despite Misconduct.
@coulterjones  @louiseradnofsky

Cops bounce back like rubber balls/Rehired even after brawls/Perhaps it ain't a good idear/to let them work sans any fear/of retribution for their acts/against the homeless and the blacks.


He employeth no servant there

Behold, the way for man is narrow, but it lieth in a straight course before him, and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he employeth no servant there . . .
2 Nephi 9:41

A day must come when I will meet
my Savior, and kneel at his feet.
The gate he guards so personally
leads to the Father eternally.
To pass this Sentinel sublime
and gain admittance for all time
is what my life on earth is for --
to Heaven there is no back door!