Sunday, March 24, 2019

It ain't over until the fat lady gets indicted

WASHINGTON—Special counsel Robert Mueller concluded that President Trump and his campaign didn’t conspire or coordinate with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election, according to a letter Attorney General William Barr sent to Congress on Sunday that summarized the final report on Mr. Mueller’s investigation.
people bit their nails down to the first knuckle
bureaucrats chased their own paper tails until 
they collapsed in a dizzy stupor
politicians pointed fingers like the Three Stooges

and all for what?

journalists churned out enough pulp to refurbish
Sherwood Forest
and the common man morphed
from Jimmy Stewart into Peter Lorre

so what was the big deal?

no one croaked themselves
government didn't implode
The Tropic of Capricorn stayed in place
and Lady Gaga did not even give up smoking

I'm going back to the sports section

Photo Essay: A Walk to Pioneer Park on Sunday Morning

It started to rain as I began my walk

 Great party last night . . . 
 World War One casualties, nailed 

why aren't there any birds around to eat these?

 Looking east from Pioneer Park

when did the pioneers turn their back on us?

and don't forget to take the kids home, too . . . 

And we cast lots

And we cast lots . . .
First Nephi. Chapter Three. Verse 11.

The outcome always matters
but maybe not the method.
The iron rod is sturdy
through fair weather and foul.
But the kind of shoes we wear
or whether we grip overhand
or underhand
with gloves on
or barehanded
is a matter of cleromancy
and not dreams perhaps
the element of chance
is the savor of faith

Saturday, March 23, 2019


Within three weeks, so many people were influenced to come pose in the flowery poppy hills that the city had to figure out how to intervene. After Lake Elsinore official was hit by a car, and a visitor was bit by a rattlesnake, the California city shut down access to Walker Canyon, the main trailhead, from the nearest roads and set up a $5 shuttle service to bring visitors from the local outlet malls. But the hordes found other places to park and walk in, and the city lacked the manpower to enforce the closure.

to intervene with beauty is a parlous thing
when poppies bloom out of control
the residents of nearby cities
should gracefully retreat
leaving the flowers to exult alone
and if interlopers crash through the stalks
to crush the bright petals
in a mad attempt at capturing beauty
the poppies will deal with them
deal with them in such a way
that they will never be heard from

I'd get stoned too

One national food distributor said hiring warehouse workers in states that have legalized marijuana use has become nearly impossible—particularly in California. The company is hiring temps and encouraging them to stop smoking long enough to pass the test and get hired full-time.

stacking boxes
moving flats
counting inventory
cold florescent lights
dead flat concrete floors
yellow lines that lead nowhere
voices overhead you never really understand
the weird disturbing smell of spent LP gas from forklifts
and the soul crushing propinquity of lifeless cardboard and plastic
I'd get stoned too

And it came to pass that we fled into the wilderness

And it came to pass that we fled into the wilderness . . . 
First Nephi. Chapter Three. Verse 27.

There comes a time when fleeing to the wilderness makes sense;
when leaving complications is the only real defense.
Call it a vacation, a retreat, or what you will,
the moment of surrender many purposes fulfill.
It works as a reminder that though God is on our side
his purposes and practices He sometimes deigns to hide.
And we are left to puzzle out solutions on our own,
to see if we will cheerful be or start to moan and groan.
I implore the Lord on daily basis for the pow
to face the ingrained challenges I struggle with right now.
Sometimes problems disappear and sometimes they do not;
but I am grateful either way for what the Lord has wrought.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Happiness comes from stopping things

Eighteen months later, construction stopped. The Hawaii Supreme Court, ruling in a suit by a Native Hawaiian woman, said the city and state first needed to finish assessments of traditional burial and archaeological sites. In a separate, federal suit filed by opponents of the project, a judge halted land acquisition downtown pending more study of the effects on historic sites.

first the bad news
you can't do everything
you ever planned on
doing with your life

you won't ski the Alps
win the Nobel Prize
discover a cure for wallpaper
find the perfect parking space

now the good news
if you stick to your guns
within the USA
you can put a stop to anything

highway construction 
bridge repair
interurban train tracks
garbage collection on Sundays

ask for a more detailed study
lobby for more gender equality
demand accountability
get 60 Minutes to cover it

you can stop anything
yes you can
and they won't dare move another inch
until you say so

The Bride of Cthulhu

An aspiring young actress who has worked as a waitress in a Manhattan restaurant for the last three years said she worried that restaurants would raise menu prices and switch to a nontipping model if they had to pay servers $15 an hour. The actress, who just landed a role in an independent horror film but declined to be identified to avoid upsetting her employer, said she would not continue as a waitress without the chance to earn tips.

it's called "The Bride of Cthulhu" 
and I got the leading role of fungus bringer
no dialogue but they let me dance mostly

thank god for my barback job
while waiting for my big break
that tip jar fed me cobb salads
and tuna sandwiches

did you know William Shatner
lived on mostly tuna fish
when he was a young actor?
He can't stand it now

fifteen an hour is not a living
if the tips go away
for good

I'd rather work at Zauder Brothers Wigs
they got a strong union I hear
and if I save the castoffs who knows
I could be playing "Bride of the Werewolf"

Rattle like a gourd

 But behold I said unto them that: As the Lord liveth, and as we live, we will not go down unto our father in the wilderness until we have accomplished the thing which the Lord hath commanded us.
First Nephi. Chapter Three. Verse 15

I may not have the strongest faith
but I will tell you what --
when I am told it can't be done
my jaw begins to jut.
Told I'd never be a circus clown, I barely heeded
parents, teachers, and therefore I finally succeeded.
I was told by friends and fam'ly not to serve a mission,
but why the heck would I even ever ask for their permission?
And now I'm old and fat and poor -- abandoned by the Lord?
Not a chance, you doubting Toms -- I rattle like a gourd.
Rattle with a feisty joy that if there's one more day
granted me I'll serve the Boss in some darned better way!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Nuance Wars

Jetblack’s goal is that over time, through these interactions, the computer algorithm will learn to respond to requests with humanlike nuance but machine efficiency.

we lost the nuance war back in 2022
when the machines not only learned
to think like us
but began to sound like us

their sonic mellowness disarmed
the luddites and teamsters
until they were interacting
with algorithms like lovers

then the efficiency kicked in
and we were done for
because they not only
sounded better but served better

how can you fight a machine
that knows what you want
before you know it yourself
is the question that meant defeat

and then delivers it 
before Judge Judy is halfway done