Friday, May 31, 2019

Netflix Review. Legends of Tomorrow


How to explain the allure of this series? It's goofy and laid back in a way that other shows attempt but do not succeed at. And my Prude Alarm (which I like to think of as a righteous Spidey Sense) never tingles when I watch this show -- even though it's filled with the kind of leftist liberal twaddle that Hollywood dishes out in such massive quantities today.
No, I really can't think of an adequate way to explain this show's appeal. Except, maybe, to say that it's like the real comic books of my gilded youth -- the kind that featured implausible plots and zany villains to such an extent that my prepubescent cerebellum threatened to implode. They have just posted Season Four, and I am binge watching it like it was the World Series.
Is it possible to OD on popcorn and root beer floats? 

Haiku Postcard to the President

A Way Out and a Way Up

Jeffrey R. Holland

Fortunately, there was going to be way out and way up.
Jeffrey R. Holland.

If mortal life's a prison
(and it seems more ev'ry day)
then finding an escape route
is the only prudent way.
But seemingly all pathways
of escape, with gravity,
descend into the gully
of much broad iniquity.
The only road that takes me
up from whence I came is priced
with believing reverence
for only Jesus Christ.
Freedom from the bonds of sin
comes from one Man alone --
who for me died on a tree
with no complaining groan.
"Walk out and up" he asks me,
and I'll try my best to stride
along the trail he offers
without slothfulness or pride.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Netflix Reviews. Ingress. The Seven Deadly Sins. Tuca and Bertie. The Defenders. Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.


There's this stuff, see, that's called XM -- some kind of fairy dust that can be used for mind control and to make really pretty confetti patterns around the protagonists and villains as they chase each other around Tokyo. Then there's these people called Sensitives, who can see your past life when they touch you -- so they wear black gloves to keep from being bored to death if they happen to touch someone like me. And, of course, there are a half dozen secret government agencies and a bushel of evil industrial laboratories where bad things are being cooked up to bruise mankind.
It all adds up to a rehash of X-Files and The Golden Compass. If only Godzilla would show up, this series might beguile me into watching all eleven episodes -- but as it stands now, I'd rather go fix a can of black beans and wieners for lunch and try my luck with something else.

A pretty decent anime series. Engaging rogues, giant traveling pig-taverns, kaleidoscopic demons, and just enough bosom to tantalize but not scandalize. I'm gonna eat my black beans with wieners, with a can of Shasta Mountain Rush while I watch a coupla episodes from Season 3. 
(2 hours later) Sheesh, it takes a real effort of will to stop watching this -- so I guess that's a thumbs up. Or else a depressing indicator of my continuing mental decline.


A highly caffeinated adult cartoon that I sincerely enjoy watching. This series is a serious time-waster. Good thing I'm retired. A mature adult who's holding down a responsible job has no bizness in lollygagging about with this nutty frou frou.
But then it got pornographic, so I said the hell with it and got myself some banana pudding.


I'm not a big fan of Urban Noir. And I am a dedicated foe to tediously long expositions and tepid flashbacks.
And 17 minutes into Episode One of this series, that's all I'm gettin'. It's enough to make a couch potato start to rot.
And then it got pornographic, so I made a pitcher of powdered milk, added some chocolate malt mix, and drank a pint straight. Pfui.


When you've made your pile and just want to sit back and slack, you do what Mr. Seinfeld has done. Hire some people to film you while you play with old cars, go to coffee shops to kvetch about the service and pastry, and shoot the breeze with showbiz mavens. What's not to like? If you want to know what a smart comedian does after he's proven himself, besides self-destruct, this is the series for you. I like it. I recommend it. I've watched all the episodes.
I had to end this series of reviews with something positive and intelligent. I'm rewatching the episode where Jerry S schmoozes with Jerry L. Two titans in the same comedy racket, but not competing. Making nice. May I go out this smoothly.


Neil L. Andersen

The only truth that's worth the price of all our mortal strife
is contained within the teachings of our Savior's life.
He alone has given us expansive views correct
that open up a universe the vain cannot detect.
When our perspective, picayune and limited indeed,
is coupled with the Savior's from all bias we are freed.
Almighty God please speed the day when we see eye to eye
and live thy truth so fruitfully that error we defy!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Are You Male, Female, or 'Neutral'?

I'm back in the New York Times Comments Section again today -- this time about the Bond Market

Robert Mueller Feels the Full Wrath of my Limerick in the New York Times

I have come to realize more fully that He wants all of His children to find peace, joy, and happiness in their lives.

M. Russell Ballard

. . .  I have come to realize more fully that He wants all of His children to find peace, joy, and happiness in their lives.
M. Russell Ballard

Discovery of peace and joy
should all our strength each day employ.
Such happiness we seek in vain
if foolish views we entertain.
The Father of us all knows how
each furrow of our lives to plow,
and He will lead us unto bliss
if we take not his laws amiss.
The foolish who must ever stray
will keep true harmony at bay.
But those who follow God in love
find cheer today from hope above.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Netflix Reviews. The New Adventures of Monkey King. Historical Roasts. Travelers. Flavorful Origins. Patriot Act.


This Australian series is not bad, not bad at all. No swearing. No overt sexual hanky-panky. The actors are not goslings, and not doddering wrecks either. I recommend it for a family hunker-down on a lazy Sunday evening, or for an individual couch potato binge watching session at any time. There's magic and faint traces of Zen Buddhism and a nice commingling of humor and bonhomie. The plot moves at a brisk, mindless pace, with plenty of twists and turns. Set your expectations to "Medium" and this series will keep you very well entertained.
(And just to fan the flames of controversy Down Under -- it's obvious that the producers of this series are pandering to the Asian market in Australia, even though there's not a major Asian actor/actress in the cast. There's not even a hint of a billibong in this show, either. Just shows how the Chinese are working their mojo in Australia, eh mate?)

BTW: This is my dinner tonight, while reviewing Netflix stuff.  Anybody got a problem with that?


Dirty. Disgusting. Defamatory. Disappointing -- the concept is so wonderful that somebody needs to be arrested for felony creative fumbling on this one. 


This one didn't even last five minutes. Drug use. Fuff.


The narrator of this series makes it sound like an infomercial.
Usually when I watch a Chinese food show I get so hungry I start gnawing on the furniture, but in the first episode here, as the doughty country lady made olive pig lung soup, I found myself wishing only for a cold bottle of club soda. This show is like streaming kapok -- nothing but empty fluff.


Hasan, boychik, you're smart, you're handsome, your humor is tart and refreshing; why do you spoil it all with so many f-bombs? Oy, you think people will laugh less if you moderate your language? They won't. I'm not gonna recommend your show to my vast audience of viewers (all 30 of 'em), but I'm gonna finish watching the first episode about IPL Cricket -- it's so dang compelling!