Thursday, May 30, 2019

Netflix Reviews. Ingress. The Seven Deadly Sins. Tuca and Bertie. The Defenders. Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.


There's this stuff, see, that's called XM -- some kind of fairy dust that can be used for mind control and to make really pretty confetti patterns around the protagonists and villains as they chase each other around Tokyo. Then there's these people called Sensitives, who can see your past life when they touch you -- so they wear black gloves to keep from being bored to death if they happen to touch someone like me. And, of course, there are a half dozen secret government agencies and a bushel of evil industrial laboratories where bad things are being cooked up to bruise mankind.
It all adds up to a rehash of X-Files and The Golden Compass. If only Godzilla would show up, this series might beguile me into watching all eleven episodes -- but as it stands now, I'd rather go fix a can of black beans and wieners for lunch and try my luck with something else.

A pretty decent anime series. Engaging rogues, giant traveling pig-taverns, kaleidoscopic demons, and just enough bosom to tantalize but not scandalize. I'm gonna eat my black beans with wieners, with a can of Shasta Mountain Rush while I watch a coupla episodes from Season 3. 
(2 hours later) Sheesh, it takes a real effort of will to stop watching this -- so I guess that's a thumbs up. Or else a depressing indicator of my continuing mental decline.


A highly caffeinated adult cartoon that I sincerely enjoy watching. This series is a serious time-waster. Good thing I'm retired. A mature adult who's holding down a responsible job has no bizness in lollygagging about with this nutty frou frou.
But then it got pornographic, so I said the hell with it and got myself some banana pudding.


I'm not a big fan of Urban Noir. And I am a dedicated foe to tediously long expositions and tepid flashbacks.
And 17 minutes into Episode One of this series, that's all I'm gettin'. It's enough to make a couch potato start to rot.
And then it got pornographic, so I made a pitcher of powdered milk, added some chocolate malt mix, and drank a pint straight. Pfui.


When you've made your pile and just want to sit back and slack, you do what Mr. Seinfeld has done. Hire some people to film you while you play with old cars, go to coffee shops to kvetch about the service and pastry, and shoot the breeze with showbiz mavens. What's not to like? If you want to know what a smart comedian does after he's proven himself, besides self-destruct, this is the series for you. I like it. I recommend it. I've watched all the episodes.
I had to end this series of reviews with something positive and intelligent. I'm rewatching the episode where Jerry S schmoozes with Jerry L. Two titans in the same comedy racket, but not competing. Making nice. May I go out this smoothly.

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