Thursday, September 12, 2019

Verses from Headlines in the Washington Post * Lawsuits. Possible bankruptcy. Declining numbers. Is there a future for the Boy Scouts? * California could become the largest state to ban facial recognition in body cameras * There seems to be no end to the rise in student loan debt.

Sir Baden-Powell would want to howl if he could see the mess
his Boy Scouts are enduring from the public and the press.
They're going bust, and lack the trust of parents near and far;
the courts are chewing on them like a fresh granola bar.
They can't stay straight, and it's their fate that "duty" is a word
despised by many and regarded as a bit absurd.


Facial recognition is now something I despise.
I consider privy all my nose and mouth and eyes.
Surveillance of my homely pan is surely no concern
of distant busybodies on whom I could drop a quern.
I think I'll wear a mask of Donald Trump when I'm outdoors,
and go around all naked robbing lots of jewelry stores . . .  

A junior in college exclaimed
"My credit score's gonna be maimed
when these student loans
turn into millstones
and make my poor parents ashamed!"

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