Saturday, October 31, 2020

Today's timericks.


I will brave the winter snows/or if a tornado blows/still my ballot I shall cast/even though I am harassed/I will exercise my right/even if it seems so slight/I want Washington to hear/my small voice both loud and clear!

all the judges that are Trumpish/seem to always be quite frumpish/when it comes to vote restrictions/within their own jurisdictions/fewer voters means, I guess/to them a Trump success.

when you are the president/you can always circumvent/rules and regulations by/playing like you're Captain Bligh/anywho, the FDA/seems to function just that way/they lay down real constantly/so the prez can play M.D.

people now cook ev'ry meal/in their homes, which makes me feel/spices soon will disappear/from our market shelves I fear/I will not be very meek/if I can't find fenugreek/and if turmeric does wane/my cuisine is all in vain!

The moon shall not shine forth


The moon shall not shine forth

when Reckoning is nigh.

The stars will disappear,

and Sun with bitter sigh.

Only light from Christ alone

at that time can then be shone.

Friday, October 30, 2020

A time to prepare to meet God


Preparation is the key

to a glad eternity.

We have but one life, one chance;

don't let folly lead your dance.

God can make us strong enough

to call any devil's bluff.

Today's timericks.


Uncle Sam is warning China's neighbors, left and right/that Beijing is a bully and a braggart and a blight/but should these neighbors get into a border crossing fray/they will find that Uncle Sam is staying far away.

I won't go back to work today/no matter what my boss may say/unless he brings in caviar/some blinis, and a movie star/and even then I may leave early/if my salad greens ain't curly.

Gray wolves are endangered, but the White House juggernaut/has removed protections so the critters can be shot/Wouldn't it be pleasant if we had an open season/on those Oval Office wonks who led this wildlife treason?

I predict Election Night descends to chaos gayly/giving us a show like the old Ringling, Barnum, Bailey/Three rings of absurdity that frolics until daylight/then a sorry mess that will continue just to stay trite.

waking up at three a.m. is not my cup of tea/I'd rather have my knee caps broke or swallow a tepee/I know that if I stay up I will zombie-like become/and if I try to hit the hay to worry I'll succumb/and so I putter with light verse, none of it terrific/since it seems to work on most as a soporific.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Today's timericks.


When it comes to speaking freely/heed the words of Horace Greely/He said "Speak your mind, young man/and have a paying bizness plan"/Zuckerberg and all his like/abuse free speech and riches strike.

the flood of falsehoods has begun/to see if Trump or Biden won/the tales they tell at county seats/all fairy tales it surely beats/and who's behind these fantasies?/perhaps it is the birds and bees . . . 

I live inside the Rust Belt/and I've heard it all before/the posturing and promises/that blossom nevermore/the landscape is depleted and the welfare checks are late/and I don't give a hoot in hell/for my own country's fate.

I'm growing old so gracefully/I'm like a stately oak/my acorns have all fallen/and my branches are quite broke/my bark is wrinkled from the years/my sap is rather thin/there's beetles boring into me/I'm rotten from within/O Axeman, when you get to me/be gentle and be quick/don't turn me into toothpicks/hanging from some low life's lip?

What the hell are all these ads about my Medicare?/are they information or just meant to throw a scare?/It's about Enrollment, or blue fairies, or the Sphinx/all I know about it is that something really stinks/tell Joe Namath to shut up and mind his own affairs/he couldn't sell a comb to people with the longest hairs.

Pandemic, won't you pretty please/spare the life of my rich cheese?/take away anchovy sauce/make french fries a total loss/but do not take away from me/my mozzarella and my brie/how can I endure a party/without some Swiss or smooth havarti?/I'll blow my brains out if I'm thrown/into a world sans provolone!

the yeasty smell of donuts/fried in grease and oh so sweet/what is there in all the world/such pleasure can unseat?/fie on custard bismarcks or the sticky maple bun/there is nothing to compare/ beneath the roaming sun/fill a bag for me and mine/and powder it with mace/and we will make them vanish/in a second, without trace!

Man in the image of God


Why should some people think it odd

that we are made just like our God?

No cloudy essence strangely spawned,

but loving parent wise and fond.

We are His children, one and all,

and so should walk both glad and tall.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Today's timericks.


The White House brags they've licked COVID; just like a piece of cake/they won't admit delusion or that nasty concept 'fake'/I hope they get Lex Luthor and go after Fu Manchu/It seems the kind of fantasy Trump so well can do.

If I had the mazuma I would rent a desert isle/and party in high fashion, banning nylon and argyle/the wine would be exceptional, the guests so famous that/they think that a 'pandemic' is some kind of trendy hat.

No one wants to buy our steel/Tariffs are a useless deal/They leave Uncle Sam awash/with factories on the kibosh.

I've got a little cabin on the Sea of Nectar, friend/and I will let it go for just a trifle -- no pretend!/The Moon is full of lakes and streams, I'm certain you have heard/and I am selling shorefront lots at prices quite absurd/So step right up and buy a lot to build your lunar castle/I'll handle all the finances with very little hassle!

Artificial cooling of our planet is required/if our license to exist is not to be expired/Send those sunbeams back to Sol, so we can start the chilling/and gain some time to stop the fracking and the constant drilling/Make the clouds more whiter, and spread snow like white confetti/Make our planet friendly to the shy, elusive yeti/No longer fabrication or some tale by H.G. Wells/Either mirrors in the sky or we'll start growing shells!

A parent's heart will seize up like an engine when a child/coldly builds a wall that keeps them outside and exiled/A drive of half an hour puts them by my lonely side/but silent years keep building, with my happiness denied/Just a little visit, just a casual how-de-do/is all I want in this life, but I guess it won't come true . . .  

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Today's timericks.


Seems that Trump the pedal soft/his campaign doth gently waft/when it comes to border jumpers/who now vote in teeming bumpers/He is like the python's slumber/when it wakes, it has your number!

Americans are buying guns at record rates, I hear/Are they hunting wabbits or is it some kind of fear?/Guns go off by accident so often nowadays/especially when drinking right around the Holidays/I'd rather have a sling shot or a handy can of Mace/Guns were made for killing/it is hard to find their grace.

First class mail is awful slow/so do not let your ballot go/by the postal service if/you want it counted without tiff/Put it in a drop box or/vote in person, dinosaur . . . 

Be diligent


Be diligent to quick obey

the Lord in each and ev'ry way.

Then you will prosper without cease

and live your days in cheerful peace.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Today's timericks.


Utilities have now been cut/for California users/folks sans generators will/ become the biggest losers/Candlelight's romantic but/there is no surrogate/for watching Netflix movies/or some reruns of Stargate.

Election boards are lazy and incompetent to boot/they haven't got the gumption to get out of their sweatsuit/There may be some exceptions, but their rarity just proves/instead of brains they function with bare bureaucratic grooves.

the kids today are grown so fat/there is no real good habitat/to raise them in without a crush/because they eat that junk food mush/make them vegans and climb trees/while we adults snarf our headcheese.

be careful how you deal with God/he loves the sinner, not the fraud/manipulating his decrees/is like a sip of antifreeze/it first tastes sweet, with no regrets/but then it makes you cool your jets/the heavens don't like politickin/so watch out, Trump, or you'll be stricken!

visit sunny Catalina/the DDT smells like verbena/all the fish have lost their scales/and boats glide by with poisoned sails/it's a tourist hotspot where/you'll lose your teeth, and then your hair.