Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Today's timericks.


The White House brags they've licked COVID; just like a piece of cake/they won't admit delusion or that nasty concept 'fake'/I hope they get Lex Luthor and go after Fu Manchu/It seems the kind of fantasy Trump so well can do.

If I had the mazuma I would rent a desert isle/and party in high fashion, banning nylon and argyle/the wine would be exceptional, the guests so famous that/they think that a 'pandemic' is some kind of trendy hat.

No one wants to buy our steel/Tariffs are a useless deal/They leave Uncle Sam awash/with factories on the kibosh.

I've got a little cabin on the Sea of Nectar, friend/and I will let it go for just a trifle -- no pretend!/The Moon is full of lakes and streams, I'm certain you have heard/and I am selling shorefront lots at prices quite absurd/So step right up and buy a lot to build your lunar castle/I'll handle all the finances with very little hassle!

Artificial cooling of our planet is required/if our license to exist is not to be expired/Send those sunbeams back to Sol, so we can start the chilling/and gain some time to stop the fracking and the constant drilling/Make the clouds more whiter, and spread snow like white confetti/Make our planet friendly to the shy, elusive yeti/No longer fabrication or some tale by H.G. Wells/Either mirrors in the sky or we'll start growing shells!

A parent's heart will seize up like an engine when a child/coldly builds a wall that keeps them outside and exiled/A drive of half an hour puts them by my lonely side/but silent years keep building, with my happiness denied/Just a little visit, just a casual how-de-do/is all I want in this life, but I guess it won't come true . . .  

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