Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Poetic Notes on the Provo Municipal Council Meeting: March 1, 2016.

The members of the council started late today, by gum;
and they were looking tired and perhaps a little glum.
The weight these city fathers (and a mother) carry round
are certainly enough to bring their knees down to the ground.

I'll skip the non essentials and go straight to radon's peril;
it can cause lung cancer, though you think your home is sterile.
The Mayor asked the council to remember that tidbit --
and then each member got a freebie radon testing kit.

Excuse my yada-yada, but poetic license should
let me glide right over to the Franklin Neighborhood.
This ate up quite a bit of time -- perhaps it's for the best;
cuz for the people who hung on twas an endurance test!

It's no exaggeration to say council members numbered
more than people looking on (some of whom just slumbered).
Mixed zoning and the LDR contributed, I fear,
to great botheration and a drowsy atmosphere.

And when 8:30 rolled around and still debate continued
time itself seemed frozen still as if to concrete twas glued.
But finally the councilors upended that dread trap,
and the meeting ended without further dull mishap.

Far be it from this humble pen to ever advocate
changes that would bring in lots more people through the gate.
But maybe if you offered popcorn free or held a drawing,
you'd have SRO with people for each seat a-clawing!


  1. Keep it up. They might replace reading minutes from the last meeting to reading your poetry about the last meeting. At least people would pay attention.

  2. Keep it up. They might replace reading minutes from the last meeting to reading your poetry about the last meeting. At least people would pay attention.
