Monday, March 28, 2016

Justice and Mercy

Mosiah 15:9 -- ". . . having the bowels of mercy; being filled with compassion towards the children of men; standing betwixt them and justice . . . "

As I am growing older I'm not sure I'm more astute;
but my taste for pure compassion sure is growing more acute.
As "justice" I have found to be a ruthless thing of stone;
relentless and remorseless, never leaving man alone.
The cry for justice often has revenge as motivation;
with welfare, rights, and mercy getting no consideration.
We are all a victim at some time in our brief life,
and also play the villain during seasons of deep strife.
I hope to never take the club of justice up again,
but spread instead some kindness and some good will now and then.
To understand another and to advocate release
is what I think it means to emulate the Prince of Peace.

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