Sunday, November 27, 2022

Letter to the Kids. Sunday. November 27. 2022.


 My Dear Kiddies;

the mottled mountains

holding up blue vaults of snow --

our cable is out.


the door swings both ways --

lets in cold, lets out the heat --

damp leaves stuck to boots.

I told the beggar "No handouts unless you chop some wood." 
He turned his wheelchair right around and left my yard for good. 
 I gave him ev'ry chance to work, 
 but some folk simply like to shirk.



Enthusiastic Biden, Democrats spur ban on military grade assault weapons



I wanna buy an Uzi or an AK-47.

Shooting up my neighbors would most certainly be heaven.

I am not a psychopath or crudely maladjusted;

I just like to see a lot of things get shot and busted!

Does that make me liable for the things that I must do

because my brain is missing something like a little screw?

 I have the right to firearms; this cannot be denied.

The Constitution, after all, just cannot be defied!

So do not take my fingerprints or have me fill out forms.

There is a diff'rent drummer keeping me from all the norms.

Patriotic sentiment does guide my ev'ry thought;

so gats are what I think the Founding Fathers would have bought.

Soon I'l have a howitzer to train upon the masses.

I'm hoping that Joe Biden will still let me buy field glasses.


 And so those are a sampling of the poems I've written this week. do they give you an insight into my thoughts and heart for the past 7 days? i dunno. but despite various artistic disappointments this week I still feel compelled to write 'em. You might say it is no longer a hobby, but a vice.


your mother and i spent thanksgiving roasting a turkey and serving it in the community room here at valley villa, along with dressing and instant mashed potatoes, and an apple crisp. i didn't think very many people came, but your mother, who is a born bean-counter, says that we fed 13 people, so i guess we did okay. 

Today, Sunday, I dumped five cans of pinto beans and a can of diced tomatoes into the slow cooker, then added a pound of fried chorizo and some spices, and we will served chili, along with brown rice, for dinner at noon today. i have no idea how many will show up. yesterday we served leftover turkey with stuffing and gravy and had six people at our door. but today? could be two if we're lucky. doesn't matter -- i like leftover chili, and it'll last in the fridge all week, just getting better. 

we're still binge watching The Blacklist on netflix. last night we started at 5 and went until 11:30, with one break for scripture study. your mother then stayed up another hour to wash dishes and bake cookies. yet we managed to be up at 7 this morning to make church at 8:30. 

right now your mother is working on family search stuff and doing some indexing on the side. she enjoys that kind of stuff and gets real satisfaction and sense of purpose from it. me, i can't stand it. i'm at the point where i am done with paperwork of any kind. i won't take any online surveys, even if it means somekind of bonus like a free pizza coupon.  your mother also likes to clean up my old google.doc files. what enjoyment she finds in that I cannot say . . . 

here's our latest video posted on facebook. it only lasts 30 seconds.


when i finish this epistle i'll see if i can get us scheduled for some initiatory work at the temple this coming thursday.  we try to go every thursday; last week it was tuesday, and it was kind of a waste of time foryour mother, in my opinion, cuz the queue was so backed up she had to wait 30 minutes and then only got to do one name. i always get to do at least five names. 

 I wonder if i should put a can of corn in the chili to stretch it out?

the weather has been cold and mostly sunny, with a few cloudy days.  the sun is out today and I'm hoping your mother and i can take a walk this afternoon after serving lunch. there's something about walking down a quiet residential street on a Sunday afternoon that resonates with me in a very happy and calming way. the exercise helps me think back to the wonders in my life:

your mother

my health

being a circus clown

being a missionary in thailand

being a radio announcer

having eight kids

pickled herring


you mother just sat down next to me to crochet a yarn cap. i love to watch her hands work and see the serene concentration on her face while she works. how do i convey how much it means to me to be a part of such a small domestic scene? i guess i can't. all i can do is tell you it makes me very happy.

the dadster.


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