Wednesday, July 5, 2023

A Dog Named Balut. (Dedicated to Wade Lambert.)


In a world that's chaotic, yet strangely astute,
There’s a joy in my heart for my doggie, Balut.
His wagging tail meets me at the end of the day,
With warmth and excitement in purest display.

He chases after shadows, in summer sun's light,
His barks are a symphony in the hush of the night.
At parks and on pathways, we make our own route,
Life’s never a bore with my jolly dog, Balut.

Through fields of daisies, we gallop and roam,
With Balut by my side, I'm never alone.
His eyes hold a magic, an unspoken tribute,
To the love and loyalty of my dear friend, Balut.

In winter's chill or the heat of July,
He stays close to me, always nearby.
He's not just a pet, not just a cute mute,
He’s a faithful companion, my darling Balut.

The scratches, the fetches, the games we partake,
Each memory with him is a pleasure to make.
In his fur, I find comfort, in his silence, a flute,
A melody of love, from my best mate, Balut.

As stars fill the night, and in dawn's first light,
He is my shield, my unyielding knight.
In the company of Balut, all worries dilute,
What a splendid joy, to own a dog like Balut.

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