Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Lazy-Girl Job. (Dedicated to Katie Mogg.)


In the realm where daydreams take their flight,
There exists a role, so pure delight.
An idyllic post, void of stressful haze,
A 'Lazy-Girl Job' that truly amazes.

In her humble abode, she's found her nest,
Dressed in comfort, no need to impress.
Tasks unfold gently, no deadlines, no haste,
Work flowing like water, no drop goes to waste.

Emails, like birdsong, greet the day,
With words of encouragement that sway.
No hurried frenzy, nor anxious bite,
Just soft screen-glow in the hush of twilight.

The hours are hers to command and mold,
No overtime or tales of old.
A serene dance, her rhythm's own,
In this sanctuary where stress is unknown.

Management, like a cheering crowd,
Voices gentle, never loud.
Praises sung in digital notes,
Fostering success, casting hopeful quotes.

Payment arrives, like the moon's sure rise,
A sweet surprise that satisfies.
In this 'Lazy-Girl Job' of gentle sway,
Each day a gem, in its own unique way.

Thus unfolds this tranquil scene,
A 'Lazy-Girl Job', serene and clean.
A dream perhaps, or so it might seem,
A tale told in a wishful dream.

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