Thursday, July 23, 2020

What is Chapter 11 bankruptcy?

Chapter 11 bankruptcy (often known as 'not my fault, try and get me, nyaah!) is a simple legal procedure that can be explained in a few short sentences.
Unfortunately for you, I get paid by the word, so this is going to go on forever. You might want to skip to the end, where I end, which I've labeled 'the end.' Otherwise, hang around for the kind of financial education only vouchsafed to the heirs of Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan.
The first order of bizness in filing for Chapter 11 is to find a competent lawyer. This is usually accomplished by looking for an attorney who is still vertical after Happy Hour. If you're that lucky, things should go swimmingly for you. Or else you'll drown. Either way, the editors are paying for every single word I'm writing here so I don't give a carrot peel about your uncle who used to be an attorney but was turned in for cooking the books when he only meant to cook spaghetti. The law is blind, and doesn't much care for oregano either.
Next you'll be scheduled in a bankruptcy court. These dens of iniquity pimple the countryside like a rash. That's because, next to homicide, suicide, and can't decide, bankruptcy is America's favorite pastime. 
The best way to schedule your case is to wave a hundred dollar bill under the nose of the docket clerk. His or her eyes will glow with cupidity and as soon as they have penciled you in you can skedaddle with your c-note. Most court clerks are too fat and lazy to give chase. If you happen to get a svelte one then just yell 'habeas corpus!' and they'll disappear in a cloud of toner.
During the hearing the judge may ask you for proof of expenditures for the last two years. You won't have any proof, of course -- since your lawyer conveniently gathered it all up the week before and sent it to Costa Rica for laundering and they take forever to get it back. Plus there's always buttons missing.
So just have your lawyer tell the judge that due to circumstances beyond belief your data has been hacked -- not only that, but also slashed, burned, and replanted with oil palm trees. 
In all likelihood you and your attorney and the judge will then adjourn to the nearest outdoor cafe for a cup of hibiscus leaf tea and a hearty laugh at the expense of anyone who has read this entire article thinking they were being informed on something useful.
"The End."
The above is meant only as a suggestion; any resemblance to a real piece of information is entirely by chance and doesn't count as a question on Jeopardy.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Baseball Will Start Its Weirdest Season Ever. But Will It Finish? (WSJ Headline.)

The pastime of America's about to yell "Play Ball!"
Their season is truncated and there's health rules up the wall.
No summer camp to speak of for the teams of MLB --
No doubt this season will be one for screwball history.

The Yankees and the Nationals will start the game in style
in Washington, with nobody in rows or on the aisle.
Dr. Fauci will be there, in hazmat suit to bask
in silence as he throws the season's first symbolic mask.

With cardboard cutouts looking on, the pitching's bound to stink.
The batting average will be low -- no theft of bases (. . . wink.)
If the game's anemic I don't know who will tune in;
even Victor Rojas might just sound like hollow tin.

Let's hope that at the end of day, as players leave the field,
the fans in distant domiciles will not have all congealed.
If big league games don't bring in lots of ample advertising,
they'll have to sell their diamonds and begin a mass downsizing!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Tale of the Veil.

The world lay wrapped in stuffy ease -- 
at least that part that felt no squeeze.
For many life was very good,
while others did the best they could.

Then out of China came a scourge
that left behind a prolonged dirge.
This plague leaped borders without check,
and left behind but doleful wreck.

And Beijing, silent as the crypt,
told no one of it and so skipped
the blame for quite a while, until
their own docs all the beans did spill.

But pointing fingers held no charm
for countries now aflame with harm.
Economies began crash
as biznesses were strapped for cash.

Because, you see, nobody felt
like going out and spending gelt
when anyone could be contagious
(and face it -- prices grew outrageous.)

So everybody stayed at home;
in condo, shack, or manse of chrome.
And streaming Disney or Netflix,
they managed well -- or laid some bricks.

The hunt for vaccines was quite stalled
by public health experts -- so called.
Since anyone with white lab coat
could any nutty theory float.

The media was like ping pong;
here and there, then right and wrong.
Statistics piled up in a heap
and sent the public fast asleep.

Our President had much to say;
it had no meaning, just great sway.
He dosed himself with nostrums weird
and told the press: "I ain't afeared!"

Before a cure was found the mob
that pulls the strings began to throb;
they were hurting and so they told
their minions to start spinning gold.

Presidents and other leaders
(including many bottom feeders)
bowed their heads and went ahead
with opening a large beachhead.

Some people started going out;
the bars and stores to bravely scout.
Some got sick, but some returned;
the yen for freedom brightly burned.

Though death remained a constant threat
the people did refuse to fret.
They piled out of their domiciles
to all resume their old lifestyles.

And then . . . and then, what do you think?
Amidst their eating and their drink
there arose a squabble pealing
on the subject of concealing!

Consensus slowly took the form
that masking ought to be the norm.
The medicoes had proven surely
that veils could help us live securely.

Governors and bizness mavens,
croaking constantly like ravens,
ordered that the public basking
in their freedom must start masking.

And most obeyed this simple rule
when working, in stores, or at school.
But some there were who figured that
their leaders talked through silken hat.

These bravos thought that they could see
a horrible conspiracy.
Being muzzled is a folly --
they would not succumb, by golly!

And so they marched in turbid groups,
ignored by any army troops --
they entered shops to bare their fangs,
all cursing with ignoble twangs.

While those who wore a mask deplored
what they now called 'the unwashed horde."
Now polarized beyond repair,
the two sides went beyond a glare.

They threw up barricades on streets;
they wore steel hats and put on sheets.
They took potshots and threw grenades;
both sides were weighed down with switchblades.

While in the White House feckless Don
gave out with tweets and then did yawn.
The country into chaos fell;
sweet reason fled to padded cell.

At last the Lord God intervened
and all mankind was quarantined.
He caused a mask on every face
to grow and fit like Irish lace.

And then He put us each in boxes,
very clean -- with scent of phloxes.
And that's just how we're gonna stay
until it's time for Judgement Day.

My recent comment on Trump is posted in the New York Times.

The New York Times

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tim torkildson | utah
The bogeyman will get you, and he comes straight from DC/He'll drag you off and lock you up with total secrecy/He never says a word but simply grabs the nearest chump/and throws 'em in an unmarked van on orders from old Trump/So never go out when it's dark or march in a procession/otherwise you'll disappear for make believe transgression.
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Monday, July 20, 2020

Timericks from headlines in today's Wall Street Journal.

I’m a Parent. And a Bad Teacher. All I Do Is Panic About School.

Will children back to school be going/This I need now to be knowing/If they stay home with their pop/sanity is sure to stop/Sure I love 'em; there's no doubt/but soon I'll start to scream and shout/if underfoot they have to stay/past this coming Labor Day/If I must face more throbbing percuss/I'll run away and join the circus!

How Europe Kept Coronavirus Cases Low Even After Reopening.

They do it wearing masks, is all/in churches, schools, and loud beer hall/They have more sense than all us Yanks/who think that masks are liberal pranks/If Uncle Sam don't smarten up/we'll wither like the buttercup.

A WSJ reader named A Torr responded to the above poem thusly:
Europeans don't go to church and beer halls.   And the pubs in the UK, Ireland, Sweden,etc are filled with people standing side by side.

The reality is that Europeans have realized that with a mortality rate of .02 - .04 percent ( that's .0002 - .0004) and declining death rates ( as in the US), this is no longer an issue to get overly excited about.  The elderly ( 80+) represent over 85 percent of the deaths ( as in the US) and can be isolated with precautions taken in nursing homes ( unlike that which was done in New York which together with NJ, Connecticut and Michigan represent over 50 percent of the 'deaths' related to Covid).

Simply put - this is and always has been a politically driven 'crisis' ( as were/are the 'protests' ). Time to move on.

Winning Streak of Big Cities Fades With 2020 Crises.

The bigger the city the more I abhor/its smells and its people and unending roar/I'm not some old sardine, packed next to some creep/who doesn't know how social distance to keep/Give me a small town where neighbors are nice/and gossip's a sport, not a terrible vice/Where boredom's an artform and I can relax/and wear at the neck my polyestery slacks.

Disney executives are scrambling to address what is looking to be a prolonged crisis on many fronts, forcing a realignment of priorities that could have lasting impacts.

Disney needs a bag of tricks/if they can't make brand new flicks/With their theme parks now ghost towns/they are making sobbing sounds/What will save their bacon is/merchandizing at a fizz/Push those dolls and hats and clocks/Mickey shirts and Goofy socks/Nike did it; you can, too/Give the country Disney flu!

Republicans Put Schools, Jobs at Top of Coronavirus Priorities.

I'll tell you my priorities, although nobody asked/I'd like to see a cartoon show that's based on Thomas Nast/I also want a toilet bowl that reads my horoscope/and how about a rindless inexpensive cantaloupe/There's some might call me foolish for my impractical desires/but they sure beat the stuff from our Congressional blowdryers . . . 

The Portland Protests, Trump Administration and Federal Authority.

The bogeyman will get you, and he comes straight from DC/He'll drag you off and lock you up with total secrecy/He never says a word but simply grabs the nearest chump/and throws 'em in an unmarked van on orders from old Trump/So never go out when it's dark or march in a procession/otherwise you'll disappear for make believe transgression.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Today's headlines that spawned timericks.

They wanted to hear their readers’ opinions. Then the pro-slavery guy wrote a letter to the editor.

When readers write to the front desk/their offerings are oft grotesque/Even if their grammar could work/they still crawl out from the woodwork/with conspiracies galore/and prejudices mighty sore/Let the public have the news/but please delete their wacky news. 

Some Companies Got Both Government Contracts and PPP Loans.

Double dipping is the way/companies make others pay/for their profits and their perks/What a bunch of lousy jerks/Guess it's true what wise men say/The rich know just on whom to prey.

As the Virus Deepens Financial Trouble, Colleges Turn to Layoffs.

Even tenure will not save/teachers from an early grave/as our colleges go broke/and the pink slip now convoke/Professor, do not sit and blubber/Get out there and invent Flubber!

Twitter Hack Revives Concerns Over Its Data Security.

Like a sieve with giant rips/your account on Twitter drips/info that a hacker digs/to annoy some wealthy prigs/Technology just seems to bear/claimants for the electric chair.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Timericks Ripped from Today's Headlines.

Firms With Troubled Pasts Got Millions of Dollars in PPP Small-Business Aid.

If you run a Ponzi scheme/PPP is just your dream/They have given millions to/biznesses that are a screw/If you're honest, going broke/Uncle Sam thinks you're a joke.

Hackers Tell the Story of the Twitter Attack From the Inside.


America has bred a troop/composed of youthful nincompoop/who finding time hang heavy did/cause Twitter folk to flip their lid/by hacking their accounts for fun/"Fun" as in a Gatling gun/Using brains for mischief will/turn them into mental krill.

The pandemic has hit restaurants hard, but experts say the ‘ghost food hall’ concept might save them.

The ghost hall is a place to sit/and eat your takeout bit by bit/Indoor dining is a trend/that is at a final end/America will now be switchin'/to meals from a private kitchen/Now the question on my lips/is 'will the waiters still get tips?'

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Timericks from headlines in today's New York Times.

It's a tough time to be a street musician with a nine hundred pound piano.

If you have to go and busk/from the dawn until the dusk/pick your props with proper care/lest you wind up in wheelchair/You'll never have a good stagehand/to lug around your baby grand.

Shootings have soared; is the NYPD pulling back?

IN New York the cops are slow/to enforce the lawful flow/So if you are mugged, too bad/ The cops will tell you it's a fad/then go on their merry way/sleeping while the crooks make hay.

Colin Powell Still Wants Answers.

Many are the folk bereaved/since Colin Powell was first deceived/With bogus intel he began/a never ending battle plan/that still is gutting ten years out/Americans like speckled trout.

Timericks from headlines in today's Wall Street Journal

Store Reopenings Likely Boosted June Sales, but Virus Threatens Future Gains.

Why go into stores, I ask/when I have to wear a mask/I will stay home and online/shop for stuff that's mighty fine/Amazon can take the chance/when I buy a pair of pants.

Eviction Looms for Millions of Americans Who Can’t Afford Rent.

Old MacDonald had a shack/but the mortgage he did lack/when the rent came due once more/out he shot like meteor/No hiatus from the bank/for this archetypal Yank.

In Texas, a Doctor Fights the Surge and Gets Covid-19; ‘I Cry Every Day’

In Texas you had better stick/to never getting very sick/Their hospitals are overflowed/and tending patients sure has slowed/So if you come down with the chills/just take some melatonin pills.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Timericks from headlines in today's Washington Post.

White House tells 18 million unemployed workers to ‘Find Something New’ in ad campaign.

Our Land of Opportunity will give it to you straight/Find another function -- you must learn to pull your weight/Unemployment benefits are not from Santa Claus/Go and harvest lettuce or cut timber with chainsaws/Find your new beginning, even if you're old and sick/Anyone can mop a floor or start to carry brick!

Ivanka Trump posts photo holding Goya beans, draws criticism for using her position to promote a product.

I like Goya refried beans/they go good with collard greens/I ain't feeling any ache/that their CEO's a flake/I like food already canned/So I will use the Goya brand/If my cuisine you castigate/I hope you sit upon a krait.

Disappearances in Mexico rose during López Obrador’s first year, now top 73,000.

Come to Mexico, senor/You will drop right through the floor/You will not be seen again/though we search with many men/Finally we tell your kids/sorry, he just hit the skids.