Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Tale of the Veil.

The world lay wrapped in stuffy ease -- 
at least that part that felt no squeeze.
For many life was very good,
while others did the best they could.

Then out of China came a scourge
that left behind a prolonged dirge.
This plague leaped borders without check,
and left behind but doleful wreck.

And Beijing, silent as the crypt,
told no one of it and so skipped
the blame for quite a while, until
their own docs all the beans did spill.

But pointing fingers held no charm
for countries now aflame with harm.
Economies began crash
as biznesses were strapped for cash.

Because, you see, nobody felt
like going out and spending gelt
when anyone could be contagious
(and face it -- prices grew outrageous.)

So everybody stayed at home;
in condo, shack, or manse of chrome.
And streaming Disney or Netflix,
they managed well -- or laid some bricks.

The hunt for vaccines was quite stalled
by public health experts -- so called.
Since anyone with white lab coat
could any nutty theory float.

The media was like ping pong;
here and there, then right and wrong.
Statistics piled up in a heap
and sent the public fast asleep.

Our President had much to say;
it had no meaning, just great sway.
He dosed himself with nostrums weird
and told the press: "I ain't afeared!"

Before a cure was found the mob
that pulls the strings began to throb;
they were hurting and so they told
their minions to start spinning gold.

Presidents and other leaders
(including many bottom feeders)
bowed their heads and went ahead
with opening a large beachhead.

Some people started going out;
the bars and stores to bravely scout.
Some got sick, but some returned;
the yen for freedom brightly burned.

Though death remained a constant threat
the people did refuse to fret.
They piled out of their domiciles
to all resume their old lifestyles.

And then . . . and then, what do you think?
Amidst their eating and their drink
there arose a squabble pealing
on the subject of concealing!

Consensus slowly took the form
that masking ought to be the norm.
The medicoes had proven surely
that veils could help us live securely.

Governors and bizness mavens,
croaking constantly like ravens,
ordered that the public basking
in their freedom must start masking.

And most obeyed this simple rule
when working, in stores, or at school.
But some there were who figured that
their leaders talked through silken hat.

These bravos thought that they could see
a horrible conspiracy.
Being muzzled is a folly --
they would not succumb, by golly!

And so they marched in turbid groups,
ignored by any army troops --
they entered shops to bare their fangs,
all cursing with ignoble twangs.

While those who wore a mask deplored
what they now called 'the unwashed horde."
Now polarized beyond repair,
the two sides went beyond a glare.

They threw up barricades on streets;
they wore steel hats and put on sheets.
They took potshots and threw grenades;
both sides were weighed down with switchblades.

While in the White House feckless Don
gave out with tweets and then did yawn.
The country into chaos fell;
sweet reason fled to padded cell.

At last the Lord God intervened
and all mankind was quarantined.
He caused a mask on every face
to grow and fit like Irish lace.

And then He put us each in boxes,
very clean -- with scent of phloxes.
And that's just how we're gonna stay
until it's time for Judgement Day.

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