Thursday, December 15, 2016

Letter to Madelaine. December 15, 2016.

Hey Madel, howz tricks?

Thanks for those emails. I’ve got them collected and ready to sort for my brand spanking new memoirs.
Are you the one who sent me that green table cloth? I’m putting a photo of it on Facebook today, cuz I’m having Sarah and the little ones over for lunch. I was just in the mood for spaghetti and sausage and didn’t want to eat alone, so I called her for lunch and she was available.
Hey, my phone is working again!  Sarah fiddled with it the other day and suddenly on Monday it began to work again. Don’t ask me why.

I get my life insurance physical next Wednesday. I hope they find a lot of things wrong with me and make Adam pay through the nose for premiums. Serves him right. He could spend that money instead  paying for the medical procedures I need done, like a colonoscopy and surgery on my prostate. Then I wouldn’t have so many health problems! But as it stands, now I have to wait for Medicare when I’m 65, and that dummy Trump is probably going to trash the whole thing so it won’t be available.

Are you feeling any repercussions yet in your office from the coming Trump regime?

Adam’s been keeping me busy with paid work, so I guess I shouldn’t diss him. Kind words are nice, but they don’t butter any toast!  I’ve been able to pay off a lot of old bills cuz of the money I’ve made from him.

We really haven’t had winter here yet. The forecast keeps calling for cold temps and more snow, but it never reaches Utah Valley. I went to the store today w/o wearing a coat!

I’ve decided that I’m going to regress back to buying books and filling my apartment with them. I always dreamed of living in a room full of books. Last month I spent one fifth of my Soc Sec payment on books!  I buy them second hand, naturally . No new editions for this little boy.

I’ve been called and sustained as secretary for the High Priest group leadership. We have a meeting every Wednesday evening at my apartment and I take notes. BORING.  They tell me they are also going to be calling me as a family history consultant -- and that almost makes me want to find a job with a circus and get out of here. Almost, but not quite.

Well, I better go set up the card table and put that green tablecloth over it. The sauce is starting to smell good -- I sauteed the Italian sausage in some leftover chicken fat I had from roasting some Cornish game hens earlier in the week -- and the whole mess is beginning to set my mouth to watering. Hope it tastes as good as it smells . . . .

Love, dada

Her response:

Hi Dad,
Yes, I sent you a tablecloth for Christmas. Although you may have been using those newspapers for table coverings to make some sort of political statement, I figured you could always put the newspapers over top of the tablecloth. I’m rushing around between meetings right now, but I think I got all my Christmas shopping done, I got the presents wrapped, the tree up, and we’re having our Office Holiday party today. I was volunteered to cook the steak that Donald serves on the food truck so I’m going to get that ready in a few before I head into my meeting so all I have to do is warm it up for the luncheon. Mom took Diesel Christmas shopping yesterday. I should have known better than that, they ended up going to the thrift store and buying a bunch of old candles…so now I have to find something crafty to make with them to give as last minute gifts to church people and people who give me unexpected gifts that I feel the need to reciprocate. It’s really cold here today, 17* and the high is 23*. Diesel actually work his coat voluntarily! I’m also about to go make a cup of hot tea to try and get warm. Hope you have fun at your physical, make sure to ask them for a copy of the notes so you can remember everything that’s ailing you!

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