Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A Letter From My Missionary Daughter in California

Hello everyone!!

This week was a little difficult as I was sick for most of it, but I keep finding that I've never had a bad day as a missionary. There's too many things to be grateful for, beautiful sights to see and awesome people to talk to. And also, I get to talk about Jesus Christ all day, so I can't complain at all :) 

I had a pretty cool experience this week when some of the Elders (guy missionaries) came over to give me a blessing when I was feeling particularly ill. Blessings are given if you're sick or if you need some extra counsel from God or comfort. And I guess in this situation I needed all three of those. The Elder who gave the blessing- Elder Johnson- knows pretty much nothing about me except for my name, but he said things that only God knows about me. He was able to tell me what Heavenly Father wanted me to know and exactly what I needed to hear and I've never been more sure that God is real and that His priesthood power is again on the earth. I know that it was only because of that priesthood power that Elder Johnson was able to say what he said. I was able to recover quickly and I'm feeling much better! I know that God knows us perfectly and wants us to have the most happiness that we can have. And I know that that comes from living the gospel of Jesus Christ :) 

Last night we got to hear from the Assistant of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir who told us about what happens behind the scenes when guest artists come to visit the choir. It was amazing to hear of all the famous people- like Natalie Cole, James Taylor, Angela Lansbury, David Archuleta, Andrea Bocelli, Mike Wallace, Walter Cronkite, and many others - that have come to perform with the choir and to hear them tell of their wonderful experiences with them. The choir is completely self sustaining and is not paid for at all by the church; all of the members are volunteers and give of their time and talents freely. I've never had the opportunity to see them in person, but they truly do have such a special sound and spirit about them. Music is definitely a very personal way to communicate with God and I love it. 

Friends, we don't have to look very hard to find a reason to be happy each day. Don't take your surroundings, friends and family for granted; in all things be grateful and you'll be happy always! Have a wonderful week! 

Love, Sister Torkildson

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