Friday, November 1, 2019

Verses from Stories in Today's Washington Post -- Trump is changing his residence from NYC to Florida. ‘Good riddance,’ New Yorkers say. -- Trump abandons proposing ideas to curb gun violence after saying he would following mass shootings -- Think you’re anonymous online? A third of popular websites are ‘fingerprinting’ you.


The Big Apple sighs with relief
as they lose Commander-in-Chief.
In Florida, pain
as that hurricane
arrives -- causing nothing but grief.


The President derives no fun
from any kind of smoking gun.
His people want him to prepare
to go to Congress and forswear;
And so there's little time to strive
to banish any forty-five.


Think you're snug with firewall,
that all hackers you can maul?
Are you sure your info's safe
and secure from pry and strafe?
Maybe you should moan and wince
over cyber fingerprints
that your phone or your pc
gives to that big company
that will haunt you with their ads
and so many sly doodads
that before you can say 'boo'
make you feel like stomach flu.
If you would be off the grid,
denude yourself just like a squid
and dive to depths where CNN
cannot find you out again.

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