Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Narrative Poem: Add Declining Immigration to Problems Weighing on the Labor Market (WSJ)


So I was at Stinker

looking for a hot water bottle.

There was no one in the store.

Not a clerk in sight.

A hand-lettered card on

the cash register read:

"Can't find anyone to work for 

12 dollars an hour. So this place

is on the honor system. When you

find what you want please leave the 

exact amount on the register. I'll

come pick it up tonight. Thanks.

The manager."

So I left five dollars for 

my hot water bottle.

It was marked $22.99,

but I figured five bucks was enough

for a self service joint.

Then I went back to my sewer hole.

Where I live.

Now that no more houses are 

being built. 
It's an abandoned sewer line.

So it's dry. And the temperature

remains a steady 75 degrees.

But it's not about the lack of

immigrants. To do the grunt work.

That's false.

It's all that plant-based protein

being passed off as food.

It makes people weak and indecisive.

So nothing gets done.

Tyrants invade small nations and

nobody cares. No one wants a career.

Or to make a living. All we want

is to just get by. 

With plant-based protein. 

The immigrants are still

all around us --

They live in all the abandoned

office spaces.

And are planning something.

Something big.

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