Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Go Tell Unruan

Tell Unruan that I'm way too fat to get married again -- I now weigh 330 pounds. I do nothing but read, write, sleep, eat, and go swim at the Rec Center a couple times a week. I'm indolent and arrogant and rude and private and mostly silent. Maybe I'll CC her this email myself. Here's the nub of the problem -- women want to spend money all the time, they never want to save it. Cutting coupons is not 'saving' -- you still are going out to spend money. I live by Spencer W. Kimball's words:  "Make it last; use it up; or do without."  Here's an example:
Yesterday I was feeling bored and discontented, so I thought about going over to the Silver Dish Thai Restaurant on Main Street for some green papaya salad and sticky rice -- but that would cost nine dollars -- and I rebelled against having to spend money just to relieve my boredom -- so I thought about what was immediately around me -- and I noticed the sparrows out on the patio picking at some crumbs I put out for them -- I started to wonder: what would happen if I strung together a dozen small pieces of bread? How would the birds react to that? So I took a needle and thread and strung 12 pieces of dry stale bread together like a necklace and put it out on the patio. The sparrows went crazy with it -- they  would pick up one piece and all the other pieces went with it, so they'd drop their piece and fly off and then come back and try it again -- I had several tug of wars happen when one sparrow would pick up one end of the bread necklace and another sparrow would pick up the other end, and they'd both pull on it in opposite directions. It was hilarious, and kept me entertained for a half hour. And then I felt happy and cheerful and energized again -- because I had created something interesting and amusing and I HADN'T SPENT ANY MONEY TO DO IT. Show me a woman who can do that -- who wants to do that. That's the kind of woman for me -- as long as she's also Asian and around 40 with no small kids around.


Responses from Unruan herself:

My statement about Suttita and you was just a statement,  my opinion.  Didn’t mean to offend anyone.
If it offended you, hope you accept my apology.  Life is too short to go out of my way to offend people that I rarely know.

unruan would like to recall the message, "Fortnite star Ninja left Twitch.
Then the platform recommended porn to his followers. (WaPo)".

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