Saturday, August 10, 2019

Trump again appears to take North Korea’s side against his own military, allies (WaPo)

I didn't know people still did the whole pen pal thing; but Crazy Henry told me he has a pen pal in North Korea. By the name of Kim Jong Un. They write each other several times a month. Crazy Henry showed me some of the letters he's got from this Kim guy. One read:  "Dear Honored Friend; I am so happy to know you and am sorry that your monkey pet died of a recently. Please excuse if my letter is off on the English -- I have a new translator, but he is not so good so I shall possibly have him assassinated. Ha. Ha. Best of wishes in today for you. Kim Jong the Strong."
"He sounds almost as nutty as you" I told Crazy Henry.
"Oh, he's a good guy" replied Crazy Henry. "Look. He sent me this whole sack of gold ingots." He opened his coat closet to drag out a burlap sack that was full of what looked like real gold ingots, each one stamped DPRK
"Holy catfish!" I exclaimed. "Hey, can I get his address from you so I can be his pen pal too?"
"Sure" said Crazy Henry. "Why not?"
So I wrote a really nice letter to Kim Jong the Strong, and then sat back to wait for my sack of gold ingots. But all I got a few weeks later was a postcard that said 'Wish you were here,' and a t-shirt that had a big black arrow on the front pointing to the right and underneath the arrow it said: "I'm with this Capitalist Running Dog." 

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