Thursday, April 23, 2020

Photo Essay: Postcards from my Kids. Volume Five.

I never understood, and was never told, why our oldest daughter Madelaine was sent to Denver to live with Amy's younger sister Julie when Madelaine was still in her teens. Julie had a serious drinking problem and was not active in the Church anymore. She needed a full-time babysitter so she could work, and apparently that's all Amy needed to know. Family always trumped everything else with Amy. Or seemed to. It was all so long ago. I doubt even Madelaine herself really even remembers why she had to get on a bus in Williston ND to go to Denver when she would rather have stayed and finished high school. I'm glad to say that she later got her G.E.D. and is now a very valuable accounting manager for a large medical clinic in Virginia. Like all our kids, she turned out pretty darn good -- despite my neglect and poor example. Bravo, Madel!
In these cards she mentions she has bought an exercise machine from a TV ad -- a pretty dicey venture which apparently turned out okay. And she has set her cap for someone named Carl -- I don't remember ever hearing anything more about him.
I notice one of the postmarks is for Detroit Lakes Minnesota. I worked there as the news director for radio station KRCQ -- which I nicknamed, not affectionately, crock. I was fired for making up news stories. I've detailed that incident elsewhere, so won't repeat it here. Suffice it to say that the station manager didn't care when I  used sound effects, like duck calls and slide whistles, to punctuate my newscasts. 
And, in case you didn't notice, Madel has the smallest handwriting of anyone I've ever known!

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