Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Pfizer Lowers Drug Prices -- A Garden is Revived -- Parental Leave for Men.

Pfizer Inc. said Tuesday it will defer some recent drug-price increases, reversing course after President Donald Trump criticized the company. The New York-based drug maker, one of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies by sales, had faced criticism from Mr. Trump and others after raising the prices of more than 40 drugs last week.
A bully sometimes is of use
to stop a commercial abuse.
A big stick, when swung
can knock out the dung
that companies like to produce.

The garden, as Westerners know it, survived the Dark Ages because of monasteries. Given these traditions, it was natural for the founders of the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in America to count on a small farm when in 1897 they purchased 100 acres of open land in Northeast Washington.
Washington Post

There's something 'bout a garden sweet,
so full of bugs and blooms and beet,
that makes the heavy toil seem worth
the sweat I drop on Mother Earth.

It is part of God's plan, I'm sure,
to spread thick layers of manure;
what of my aching back and knees,
if I am one with droning bees?

The years, they push upon me now
like a stubborn blunt snowplow;
and though for fresh produce I pine,
I'll order all my meals online . . .

Many men say they remain reluctant to take advantage of parental-leave policies. In a recent Deloitte survey of more than 1,000 U.S. workers, one in three male respondents said they worried that taking time off to tend to a newborn would jeopardize their careers, and more than half of the men said they felt using parental-leave benefits available to them would be seen as a lack of commitment to their jobs.

A father who worked down at Ford
went home to his cute little horde
and, covered with grime,
asked for overtime -- 
He claimed it was for the landlord.

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